- 138-161
- adopted by Hadrian on his deathbed
- had to adopt Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus as his heirs
- Temple of Faustina and Antoninus Pius
- c. 140
- in the forum
- requested that his statue be put in the same cella as Faustina
- as close a possible to the first dynastic temple, the temple of divine Julius Caesar
- best preserved standard Roman temple in the forum
- tall and frontal (Etruscan)
- stone and Corinthian (Greek)
- altar built into the stairs because of lack of room
- 40 ft columns
- frieze has griffons (composite animals)
- architecture is conservative
- material and design speaks to expansion of empire
- The great Antonine Relief
- c. 140
- continuing the trajectory from dynastic to familial sculpture to see the succession of the family/dynasty (like ara pacis)
- baroque style
- Antoninus Pius looking at us with two adopted heirs Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus
- presenting himself as a father of two heirs
- Faustina also there
- scenes of family members alternating with battle scenes
- divides his power freely with Lucius Verus
- Marcus wanted to be in Rome but spends most of his reign on the German border because of German invasion
- Plague for the first time in Rome because of Lucius Verus
- Marcus was a good man ruling at a bad time
- made one mistake = his son
- c. 170
- series of personal writings
- source for his own guidance and self improvement
- indulgence in emotion
- Base of Columns of Antoninus Pius
- c. 170
- scene of apothesis
- personification of Rome with a shield that shows Romulus and Remus
- Large fallacy (obelisk)
- Male winged victory leading souls of Antoninus Pius and Faustina into heaven with eagles of Zeus
- Idealized bodies, full-faced personifications
- scene of decursio
- military exercise where horses parade around in circles
- different view to show perspective
- several ground lines so that everything is visible
- two different styles on the same monument
- imperial monument
- Bronze equestrian of Marcus Aurelius
- c. 170
- stood by cathedral in Rome
- proportion of man to horse (to show the power of the emperor)
- military garb
- gesture looks like adlo cutio but really he is pardoning a German despite their crimes of trying to evade the empire
- gilded bronze
- Columns of Marcus Aurelius
- c. 170
- emulate and associate with Trajan
- greater shadows, darker
- dark columns representative determined rule over a prosperous empire but had to spend his entire reign fighting on the border
- used to be a bronze statue of emperors on top
- near ara pacis (association with Augustus)
- many scenes of adlo cutio but mostly scenes of construction
- speaking out to us instead of audience on column
- scenes of fun vs scenes of war
- nature always good in Trajan not as good in Marcus
- more drill work on Marcus
- can see how the tide has turned during Marcus time
- signals the end of the period of peace and prosperity
- c. 200
- general who marched from Hungary
- senate saw his loyal troops and claimed him emperor
- took four more years of fighting to defeat his rivals
- from northern Africa and his wife from Syria
- rose in the ranks in the military
- once in power he makes up a story about a deathbed adoption from Marcus Aurelius
- non italic military education
- doesn't spend much time in Rome because he doesn't see it as any higher status in the empire so resides mainly in north Africa
- centralized and autocratic ruling
- Nude of Septimius Severus
- c. 200
- head is veristic but body is idealized
- engaged and active pose
- no modesty
- no fear of showing pride and position of power
- survived as a bronze
- Severan Portrait
- c.200
- only surviving painting of an imperial family
- tempra (pigment in water)
- family of four
- emphasis on the eyes and parted beards
- mom and dad presented equally
- man with darker skin signifies the man works outside while the woman works inside
- crowns on their heads (foreign tradition)
- Septimius wants sons to be corulers
- Caracalla had Geta killed because he wanted all the power
- Caracalla familia resemblance with his mother
- dynastic and eastern
- Forma Urbis
- c. 200
- returned Rome to order and peace
- restores the urban infrastructure
- makes a new marble map of the city (most intact)
- interest in reinstating order after 5 year civil war
- Arch of Septimius Severus
- c. 200
- triumveral arch
- diagonal from arch of Augustus (proclaiming him a new founding father)
- victory through military might
- tripartite arch
- Severan baroque which is more baroque than Flavian baroque
- engaged, deep columns
- winged victories in spandrels
- sculpture of battle scenes between columns (fear of empty space)
- captives underneath columns
- composite columns
- 4 ground lines in scenes between columns
- Leptis Magna
- c. 200
- port town on northern shore of Africa (his hometown)
- originally Phoenician
- gives same powers as all other Italian cities have
- Severan forum
- basilica with two apses and temple at the end
- imperial forum (founding father)
- not in Rome
- builds a temple to his own lineage (never done in Rome)
- Round arch in stone over column
- references to Hercules
- c. 220
- killed his younger brother Geta
- showed traits of kindness
- spoiled by his mother
- has his brother damned
- citizens don't find him so bad cause he learns how to please the people
- gives citizenship to everyone
- bad emperor
- Caracalla as Hercules
- c. 220
- baby Hercules playing with a serpent which he is strangling
- plump
- Baths of Caracalla
- c. 220
- imperial bath
- colored marble and filled with art
- first imperial baths since Trajan
- brought back peace and prosperity
- could service 2000 people at once
- libraries
- creative spaces with concrete construction
- exterior is stucco
- surrounded by gardens
- one bathing axis
- mosaic floors
- statue of Hercules