When does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?
What does it also split into? |
After crossing the 1st rib
The thyrocervical trunk which goes to the head
Can but does not always give off the suprascapular artery (aka transverse scapular artery) |
When does the axillary artery become the brachial artery? |
When it passes the posterior axillary fold |
What does the brachial artery split into and where does it do so? |
Just distal to the elbow into the radial and ulnar arteries
Also gives off the Profunda brachii artery about midway down the humerus |
What does the thyrocervical trunk split to become, and where is it located? (3) |
suprascapular artery (aka transverse scapular artery)
don't need to know: inferior thyroid artery transversalis artery colli or transverse cervical artery |
Subscapular artery source, branches, supplies, and location |
Arises from the axillary artery
Gives rise to the scapular circumflex artery and further down it the thoracodorsal artery.
Lateral armpit artery; runs across t minor & major & lat dorsii
Supplies Latissimus dorsii muscles |
What branches does the axillary artery give off? (6) |
Superior Thoracic Artery Thoraco-acromial Artery Lateral Thoracic Artery Subscapular Artery Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery |
What does the ulnar artery split into and describe it's course |
gives rise to the common interosseous artery, which divides into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries
It runs along the ulna and mainly forms the superficial palmar arch, while contributing to the deep palmar arch
Almost immediately gives off the radial recurrent artery
Partially gives rise to the palmar carpal arch Partially gives rise to the dorsal carpal arch |
What does the radial artery split into and describe it's course |
Runs along the radius
Almost immediately gives off the radial recurrent artery
Mainly forms the deep palmar arch, while contributing to the superficial palmar arch
Partially gives rise to the palmar carpal arch Partially gives rise to the dorsal carpal arch |
The radial recurrent artery anastomoses with what other artery? |
anastomoses with the radial collateral branch of the profunda brachii |
What nerve does the profunda brachii travel with? What does it supply? |
The radial nerve in the posterior arm
Supplies the deltoid and triceps muscles |
What artery branches off of the anterior interosseous artery? |
Describe the courses of the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries, and what they supply |
The posterior circumflex humeral artery wraps around the back of the top of the humerus by the greater trochanter and comes to the front
The anterior circumflex humeral artery wraps around the front of the top of the humerus by the lesser trochanter and goes towards the back
These two anastomize eachother
Anterior supplies the head of the humerus and the shoulder joint
Poseterior supplies the deltoid muscle and shoulder joint |
Lateral Thoracic Artery source, location, and what it supplies |
Source: Axillary Artery
Medial to the subscapular artery
Supplies Serratus anterior muscle Pectoralis major muscle |
Suprascapular Artery Source, supplies, Location |
Source: Thyrocervical trunk
Looks like it runs along the top of where trapezius would run (it's the Army that runs over the Suprascapular Ligament (which runs over the suprascapular notch))
crosses the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus, running behind and parallel with the clavicle
Supplies supraspinatus muscle, sternocleidomastoid, and subclavius |
Describe the venous formation of the brachial veins |
It is the reverse of the arteries
The Palmar Metacarpal Veins give rise to the deep venous palmar arch which go primarily to the radial vein (secondarily to the ulnar vein)
The common digitial veins go to the superficial venous palmar arch which primarily go to the ulnar vein (secondarily to the radial vein)
The radial vein and ulnar vein combine to form the brachial veins (run alongside the brachial artery) |
Describe the formation of the dorsal venous network and what it goes to |
the dorsal digital veins become the dorsal metacarpal veins which contribute to the dorsal venous network
The network supplies the basilic (medial superficial) and cephalic (lateral superficial vein) |
Describe the course of the cephalic vein and Describe the course of the basilic vein |
The cephalic vein is on the lateral side of the arm (varies greatly) passes between the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
The basilic vein runs superficially on the medial side of the arm, the ant/post circumflex veins run into it just before it runs into the brachial veins then into the axilary vein
These veins communicate via the median cubital vein
Both empty into axillary vein along with the brachial veins, ant/post circumflex humeral veins, and subscapular vein |
What veins form the subscapular vein and what does it empty into? |
Circumflex scapular vein (posterior scapula) Thoracodorsal Vein (lateral border of scapula) |
Thoracodorsal artery source and location, and supplies |
Source: Subscapular Artery
travels inferiorly with the thoracodorsal nerve and supplies the latissimus dorsi.
supplies latissimus dorsi as well (der) |
Superior Thoracic Artery source, location, and supplies |
Source: Axillary Artery
Runs just under subclavius for a short period
supplies superior portion of serratus anterior |
Thoraco-acromial Artery source, location, and supply |
Source: Axillary Artery
Originates just under pec minor
Has four branches
Pectoral branch; Descends between the two Pectorales, and is distributed to them and to the mamma, anastomosing with the intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery and with the lateral thoracic.
Acromial branch; Runs laterally over the coracoid process and under the Deltoideus, to which it gives branches; it then pierces that muscle and ends on the acromion in an arterial network formed by branches from the transverse scapular (a.k.a. suprascapular), thoracoacromial, and posterior humeral circumflex arteries.
Clavicular branch; Runs upward and medialward to the sternoclavicular joint, supplying this articulation, and the Subclavius.
Deltoid (humeral) branch; Often arising with the acromial, it crosses over the Pectoralis minor and passes in the same groove as the cephalic vein, between the Pectoralis major and the Deltoid, and gives branches to both muscles. |
Suprascapular Vein empties into |
The External Jugular Vein |
What veins empty into the axillary vein? (6) |
Basilic, cephalic, subscapular, brachial veins, ant/post circumflex
Then dumps into subclavian |
Circumflex Scapular Vein location and empties into |
Located on the posterior scapula and empties into the subscapular vein |
Thoracodorsal Vein location and empties into |
Lateral border of the scapula
Empties into the subscapular vein |
Arterial Anastomoses Around Scapula |
Occur between three groups of arteries: (a) suprascapular, descending scapular, and circumflex scapular arteries
(b) acromial and posterior humeral circumflex arteries
(c) descending scapular and posterior intercostal arteries |