What things make up the integumentary systems? (ch.4 pg.89) |
Skin (epidermis/dermis), hair, nails, sweat, oil, mammary glands |
Explain one way doctors use the skin in diagnosis. (ch.4 pg.89) |
Appearance of skin mirrors general health of other systems, signifying underlying disease |
Name some of the functions of the intergumentary system.(ch.4 pg.89 fig 1) |
Physical protection from environmental hazards, thermoregulation, synthesis and storage of lipid reserves, excretion (secretion - more specific), synthesis (including vitamin D3), sensory info, immune defense |
What 2 parts plus an extra make up the skin? (ch.4 pg.90) |
Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous layer (aka hypodermis) |
Name the 4 types of cells in the epidermis and their characteristics (ch.4 pg.90) |
- Keratinocytes - most abundant, in all layers
- Melanocytes - pigment producing cells in stratum germanitivum & spinosum,
- Langerhorn cells - phagocytic cells in stratum spinosum
- Merkel cells - detect sensation, found in stratum germanitivum,
What are the layers (stratum) of thin/thick skin (from deep to superficial)? (ch.4 pg.91) |
- Germanitivum
- Spinosum
- Granulosum
- Lucidum
- Corneum
What is one of the biggest problems with burn victims? (ch.4 pg.92) |
Skin no longer properly functioning so toxic substances can be absorbed, excess fluids can be lost, and infection can enter. |
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue and what do they do? (Ch. 9 pg. 238) |
- Skeletal (voluntary) muscle - moves the body by pulling on bones of the skeleton
- Cardiac muscle - pushes blood through the arteries & veins
- Smooth (involuntary) muscle - pushes fluids and solids along the digestive tract, among funtions in other systems
What are the four basic properties that all types of muscle tissue share? (Ch. 9 pg. 238) |
- Excitability - respond to stimulation
- Contractility - shorten actively to exert pull or tension
- Extensibility - continue to contract over a range of resting lengths
- Elasticity - rebound toward origina length after contraction
What are skeletal muscles and what functions do they perform? (Ch. 9 pg. 238) |
Skeletal muscles are contractile organs directly or indirectly attached to bones of the skeleton.
- Produce skeletal movement
- Maintain posture & body position
- Support soft tissues (ab wall & pelvic cavity support visceral organs)
- Regulate entering and exiting of material (muscle at orifices)
- Maintain body temp (muscle use releases heat - shivering)
Explain the levels of organization in a muscle (Ch. 9 pg. 243 fig 5) |
Muscle contains fasicles, which is a bundle of numerous muscle fibers (aka cells). Fibers are made up of myofibrils (the structures the shorten), and each myofibril has sarcomeres making up its length |
What makes up a tendon and what is its function? (Ch. 9 pg. 239) |
A tendon is the convergence of epimysium (around the muscle), perimysium (around each fasicle) and endomysium (around each fiber) connective tissues. The tendon attaches the muscle to bone, skin, or another muscle. |
How are you skeletal muscles "voluntary" and how is this state accomplished? (Ch. 9 pg. 239) |
Your muscles are voluntary because you control contractions consciously through the use of the nervous system. Nerves (bundles of axons) innervate each muscle fiber and chem. communication occurs at the neuromuscular synapse |
How long is a muscle fiber (cell) in relation to the muscle? How is the make-up of these cells different than most? (Ch. 9 pg. 240) |
Each muscle fiber (cell) is the entire length of the muscle and 100 micrometers in diameter. They are multinucleate cells, which is unusual. |
Explain the compostition of a sarcomere. (Ch. 9 pg. 242-3, including fig 4) |
A sarcomere is made up of thin (actin) filaments and thick (myosin) filaments. The outer ends are known as the Z line, where thin filaments are attached. The I band is the next portion, where only thin strands reside. They then overlap with the thick filaments at the zone of overlap. The thick filaments alone make up the H band, and the A band is made of anywhere that has thick (overlap included). At the center, the M line designates the point where the thick fibers are attached. |
What triggers a muscle contraction and what is required to relax the muscle? (Ch. 9 pg. 245) |
The presence of calcium ions (Ca+2) triggers the contraction and ATP is requried the relax the muscle again. |
What 4 things can be observed during a contraction, according to the sliding filament theory? (Ch. 9 pg. 245) |
- The H band and I band get smaller
- the zone of overlap gets bigger
- the Z lines move closer together
- the width of the A band remains constant
Explain the sequence of activity in a contraction from start to finish (Ch. 9 pg. 245-6) |
Electrical events at the sarcolemma (cell surface) trigger the contraction by causing the release of calcium ions from the terminal cisternae. These ions diffuse into the zone of overlap and bind to the troponin, exposing the active site underneath on the actin molecule. Then, the myosin heads on thick filament bind to the active sites and pivot toward the M line, (attach, pivot, detach, return). If the electrical stimulation ends, the ions will be recaptured, troponin-tropomyosin complex will cover active sites and the contraction will end. |
What is a motor unit? (Ch. 9 pg. 248) |
All the muscle fibers that are controlled by a single motor neuron. Some neurons control one or few fibers, while mot control hundreds. The fewer fibers to the neuron, the more fine the control. |
Describe muscle tone. (Ch. 9 pg. 249) |
Certain motor units are constantly active, producing enough tension to tense the muscle but not enough to move it. Tone stabilizes the position of bones and joints |
Explain Hypertrophy and Atrophy (Ch. 9 pg. 249) |
- Hypertrophy (enlargement) results from exhaustive stimulation because it causes the fibers to develop more mitochondria, a higher concentration of glycolyric enzymes, larger glycogen reserves, more myofibrils and more thick/thin filaments within each myofibril
- Atrophy is the opposite. Too little stimulation results in a loss of size, tone, and power.
Name and describe the 3 types of skeletal muscle fibers (Ch. 9 pg. 250) |
- Fast fibers - contractions are supplied with energy anaerobically through glycolysis (glycogen converted to lactic acid), fatigue quickly because glyc. reserves are limited
- Slow fibers - 3 times as long to contract as fast, but can contract longer without fatigue because their mitochondria are constantly making ATP through aerobic metabolism. The O2 used to make ATP comes from the greater number of capillaries and myoglobin, which reserves oxygen
- Intermediate fibers - properties between the two, physically similar to fast except more mitochondria, increased capillary supply and greater fatigue resistance
How are slow, intermediate, and fast fibers distributed in a muscle? (Ch. 9 pg. 250) |
Most muscles contain all 3 types, although all fibers of a motor unit are the same type. The percentages can be altered with physical conditioning |
What are the 4 formations of skeletal muscles? (Ch. 9 pg. 251-2 fig 14) |
- Parallel
- Convergent
- Pennate (feather) (Uni-, Bi-, Multi-)
- Circular (guard entrances/exits of internal passageways)
What are the options for choosing the origin and insertion? (Ch. 9 pg. 253) |
- The origin is stationary and the insertion moves, or the origin is proximal to the insertion
- The aponeurosis is the origin and the tendon is attached to the insertion (if the muscle extends between a broad aponeurosis and a narrow tendon)
- If there are multiple tendons on one end and a single at the other end, there are multiple origins and a single insertion
Describe the 3 types of muscles grouped based on their primary actions. (Ch. 9 pg. 253) |
- Agonists (aka prime movers) - a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement (ex. biceps brachii produces flexion of elbow)
- Synergists - a muscle that assists the agonist through additional pull or stabilization. (termed fixator if it assists by preventing movement at a joint & stabilizing the origin of the agonist)
- Antagonist - a muscle whose actions oppose that of the agonist (ex. triceps brachii extends elbow back into place)
List the 3 types of levers, an example of each, and why levers are important (Ch. 9 pg. 255 review fig 15!) |
First class lever (seesaw) - muscle used to raise the head
Second class lever (wheelbarrow) - calf muscle used to raise heel, force gets magnified
Third class lever - bicep used to raise forearm, speed and distance traveled are incread at the expense of force
Levers provide speed and versatility that could not be achieved otherwise |
What is the use of a anatomical pulley? (Ch. 9 pg. 255-6, inc fig 16) |
The ability to change the direction of the force. |
What are 4 effects of aging on the muscular system? (Ch. 9 pg, 256) |
- Skeleton muscle fibers are smaller in diameter from less myofibrils & less ATP, gylcogen, and myoglobin (leads to fatigue, less muscle strength and endurance)
- Entire skeletal muscles become smaller in diameter & less elastic (fibrosis decreases elasticity by developing fibrous connective tissue)
- Tolerance for exercise decreases (quicker fatigue from above and less ability for thermoregulation)
- Decreased ability to recover from muscular injuries (fewer myosatellite cells which facilitate repairs)
How do the epidermis and dermis stay together and what does this do to the surface of thick skin? (Ch. 4 pg. 93 fig. 4) |
The epidermal ridges fit in with the dermal papillae (nipple-shaped mound) to hold in place. Ridge shapes continue to surface, creating finger prints. |
What are the two layers in the dermal layer and what are their characteristics? (Ch. 4 pg. 95) |
- Papillary layer - loose connective tissue with capillaries supplying the epidermis and axons of sensory nerves that monitor receptors in this layer and the epidermis
- Reticular layer - interwoven dense connective tissue surrounding blood vessels, hair follicles, nerves, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
What are lines of cleavage and how are they used in surgery? (Ch. 4 pg. 96) |
Lines of cleavage are the patterns of fiber bundles of the connective tussue, which designate themselves according to stress placed on the skin during movement. They are used in surgery because a cut parallel to a cleavage line will remain closed and heal easily, while a cut perpendicular will pull open with the elasticity and heal poorly. |
What is the importance of the subcutaneous layer? (Ch. 4 pg. 98) |
This layer has a fat reserve (adipose cells), stabilizes underlying tissues, while still permitting independent movement |
What are hairs, where are they formed, and where are they found? (Ch. 4 pg. 98) |
Hairs on nonliving structure, which are fomed in organs called hair follicles. 98% of the hair on the body are not found on the head. |
What are the hair root plexus and arrector pili? (Ch. 4 pg. 98) |
- The hair root plexus is a group of sensory nerves surround the base of the follicle, so that the movement of a single hair can be consciously felt
- The arrector pili is a smooth muscle also surrounding the follicle, which pulls on the follicle and elevates the hair (goose bumps, hair on end)
Describe the hair growth cycle? (Ch. 4 pg. 100) |
A scalp hair grows for 2-5 years. When it is finished growing, the follicle becomes inactive and the hair is termed a "club" hair. The connections between the hair matrix and the root of the club hair break down. When a new hair begins to grow, it pushes the club hair out. |
What are the characteristics and funtions of sebaceous glands? (Ch. 4 pg. 100-1) |
A sebaceous gland discharges a waxy, oily secretion into a hair follicle, where the arrector pili muscle squeezes it onto the skin surface, providing lubrication and antibacterial protection. (Sebaceous follicles go directly to skin instead of through hair) |
Describe the two types of sweat glands. (Ch. 4 pg. 101-2) |
- Apocrine sweat glands - only found in axillae (armpits), groin, nipples. Produce a viscous secretion, communicate via pheremones, influenced by hormones. (Related include mammary glands for milk & ceruminous glands for earwax)
- Merocrine sweat glands - widespread, produce thin secretions of mostly water, controlled by nervous system, functions in thermoregulation, excretion, & some antibacterial use
In what way is the integumentary system independent functionally? (Ch. 4 pg. 105) |
The integumentary system is able to respond directly & automatically to local influences without the involvement of the nervous or endocrine system (ex. calluses) |
What happens when regeneration of the skin is does not occur after damage? (Ch. 4 pg. 105) |
Sometimes the skin is damaged badly enough that only scar tissue can form, which is inflexible, fibrous, and noncellular. This effects the functioning of the skin is regars to thermoregulation (no sweat glands) water concentration, etc. |
What effects does again have on the intergumentary system? (Ch. 4 pg. 105) |
- Fewer melanocytes (pale)
- Dry epidermis (less gland activity)
- Reduced blood supply
- Changes in fat & hair distribution
- Fewer active hair follicles (thinner, sparse hair)
What are the major functions of the skeletal system? (Ch. 5 pg. 112) |
- Support - structural framework for attachment
- Storage of minerals - 98% of calcium is in bones
- Blood cell production - red marrow in internal medullary cavities of bones
- Protection - delicate tissues and organs surrounded by skeleton
- Leverage - movement produced by skeletal muscles using bones as leverage
Describe the composition of bone matrix and the properties that result. (Ch. 5 pg. 112) |
- 2/3 of weight Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2, some of which converts to hydroxyoatite. These inorganic compounds resist compression
- 1/3 of weight is collagen fibers, which are tough and flexible, and tolerate stretching and bending well
- About 2% of weight is osteocytes and other living cells
- Mix of inorganics and collagen gives intermediate properties, with some strength ad some flexibility.
What are the 4 kinds of bone cells and what does each do? (Ch. 5 pg. 112-3) |
- Osteocytes - mature bone cells, which maintain the bone tissue, mostly through directing the release&deposition of calcium
- Osteoblasts - inner/outer surfaces of bone, which secrete osteoid (organic components of bone matrix) that will mineralize. New bone creation is termed osteogenesis
- Osteprogenitor cells - also on inner/outer surfaces, divide into osteoblasts when more are needed (ex. when bone is broken)
- Osteoclasts - large, multinucleate cells, which secrete acid to dissolve the bony matrix. The erosion process is "osteolysis". -clasts work in balance w/ -blasts.
Explain the differences between compact and spongy bone. (Ch. 5 pg. 113-4) |
- Compact bone - dense and solid, osteocyes arranged in concentric layers around a central canal, used where stresses come from one direction (usually conducts from one end to another)
- Spongy bone - arranged in an open network of struts and plates, not as massive as compact but able to resist stresses from multiple directions
- Matrix composition of both is the same, only the arrangement is different
What are the periosteum and endosteum, and what are their functions? (Ch. 5 pg. 116-7) |
- Periosteum - covering on outer surface of bone, to isolate and protect bone from surrounding tissue, provide a route and place of attachment of circulatory& nervous supply, actively participate in bone growth and repair, and attaches bone to the connective tissue network of the deep fascia
- Endosteum - lining on inside (medullary cavity)
What happens six weeks after fertilization of an egg? (Ch. 5 pg. 117) |
The previously mesenchymal or cartilaginous skeletal elements turn to bone, in a process called ossification. |
Explain the 2 kinds of ossification. (Ch. 5 pg. 117) |
- Intramembranous ossification - mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts, which secrete osteoid and creates spongy bone. This will become compact bone if deposition of calcium continues
- Endochondral ossification - turns a hyaline cartilage model into bone. The model begins to calcify, killing large chondrocytes. The cells of the perichondrium differentiate into osteoblasts and begin to form more bone matrix. Capillaries & osteoblasts migrate inwards to the spaces left by chondrocytes. The calcified model breaks down and the osteoblasts create spongy bone
What are some of the factors regulating bone growth? (Ch. 5 pg. 123) |
- Calcium & phosphate salts, & other ions such as magnesium, citrate, carbonate & sodium (from diet)
- Vitamins A & C (from diet)
- Vitamin D (actually a group of related steroids) (from diet or synthesized in the skin in the presence of UV radiation)
- Parathyroid hormone, which simulates osteoblast/clast activity, increasing calcium absorption
- Calcitonin, which inhibits osteoclasts and inc. the rate of Ca lost (antagonist of pht)
- Growth hormone & thyroxine, which stimulate bone growth until puberty
- Sex hormones (estrogen & testosterone) stimulates faster osteoblast activity
Explain how a fracture repairs itself. (Ch. 5 pg. 125 fig. 11) |
- After the fracture, extensive bleeding occurs, and a large blood clot (fracture hematoma) develops
- An internal callus forms & spongy bone unites the inner edges while an external callus of cartilage & bone stabilized the outer edges
- The external callus becomes all bone & struts of spongy bone unite the broken ends
- The area is swollen with the reformation, but it will be remodeled over time until it looks the same.
Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of a bone with osteoporosis. (Ch. 5 pg. 126) |
On the whole, the bone looses mass. Microscopically, the bone becomes porous and easily fractured. |
What are the 6 classifications of bone type and an example of each? (Ch. 5 pg. 126-7 fig 13) |
- Long bone - femur
- Flat bone - parietal
- Pneumatized bone - (hollow or with numerous air pockets) ethmoid
- Irregular bone- vertebra
- Short bone - (boxlike) carpal
- Sesamoid - (form in tendons in reaction to stresses) patella
Describe the intergration of the skeletal system with other systems. (Ch. 5 pg. 130) |
The Skeletal system is dynamic, always changing, and is intimately associated with other systems. The skeleton is a reserve of calcium, phosphate, and other minerals that can compensate for a change in diet. The system is extensively connected to the muscular, cardiovascular and endocrine, among others. |
What are the functions of the axial skeleton? (Ch. 6 pg. 135) |
- a framework that supports and protects organs in the ventral body cavity
- houses special organs for taste, smell, hearing, balance, and sight
- surface area for attachment of muscles that adjust the positions of the head, neck & trunk, perform respiratory movements, & stabilize or position structures of the apendicular skeleton.
Name the cranial bones and the space they surround. (Ch. 6 pg. 135) |
1 frontal, 2 parietal, 2 temporal, 1 occipital, 1 sphenoid, 1 ethmoid, which enclose the cranial cavity, a fluid-filler chamber that cushions and supports the brain |
How is the floor of the cranium sectioned? (Ch. 6 pg. 148) |
The floor is separated into the anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae, which descend in steps towards the posterior of the cranial cavity. |
Name the bones of the face. (Ch. 6 pg. 148) |
2 nasal, 2 maxillae, 1 mandible, 2 zygomatic, 1 vomer, 2 lacrimal, 2 palatine, and 2 inferior nasal conchae |
Name the bones that make up the orbit. (Ch. 6 pg. 152) |
Frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, palatine, zygomatic |
What bones contain the paranasal sinuses and what is their function? (Ch. 6 pg. 153) |
- frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillae
- sinuses (air pockets) lighten skull bones, produce mucus, and resonate during sound production
What is unique about the hyoid bone? (Ch. 6 pg. 154) |
It is the only bone that does not articulate with any other bone. |
How do the skulls of newborns differ from those of adults? Include the 4 major points. (Ch. 6 pg. 158) |
In infants, the sutures are not finished forming, and are still made of cartilage. The large cartilage areas, where multiple sutures meet, are called fontanels. The four are:
- Anterior fontanel - largest, at intersection of frontal, sagittal, and coronal sutures
- Posterior fontanel - at intersection of lamboid and sagittal sutures
- Sphenoidal fontanel - at intersection of coronal and squamous sutures
- Mastoid fontanel - at intersection of lamboid and squamous sutures
What are the functions and regions of the vertebral column? (Ch. 6 pg. 158) |
- Functions: column of support to bear weight of head, neck & trunk, transfer this weight to lower appendicular skeleton, protect spinal cord, provide route for spinal nerves, and help maintain upright position
- Regions: Cervical (7 vertabrae), Thoracic (12 vertebrae), Lumbar (5 vertebrae), Sacral (5 fused vertebrae), Coccygeal (3-5 fused)
Explain the difference between primary and secondary (compensation) curves. (Ch. 6 pg. 159) |
Primary curves (thoracic and sacral) form during fetal development. Secondary curves form months after birth, helping to shift the trunk weight over the legs as the child begins to stand. |
What are the functions of the thoracic cage? (Ch. 6 pg. 168) |
- Protects structures of the thoracic cavity
- Atachment point for muscles involved with respiration, the position of the vertebra column, and movements of the pectoral girdle and upper limbs
Explain the difference between true ribs and false ribs. (Ch. 6 pg. 169) |
True ribs (ribs 1-7) connect with the sternum via individual costal cartilages, while false ribs do not. Ribs 8-10 have costal cartilages that fuse together, and then onto the cartilage of rib seven, while ribs 11 & 12, deemed floating ribs, have no cartilage connection at all. |
What are the most important functions of your appendicular skeleton? (Ch. 7 pg. 175) |
Gives you control over your environment, changes your position in space, and provides mobility |
Where does the scapula articulate with the humerus? (Ch. 7 pg. 176) |
The glenoid cavity of the scapula |
Explain the difference of the anatomical and surgical neck the the humerus. (Ch. 7 pg. 179) |
The anatomical neck is the area below the head where the bone narrows, while the surgical neck is below this at the metaphysis, and is the place that is most likely to break |
What connects the lateral edge of the ulna to the medial edge of the radius? (Ch. 7 pg. 179) |
The antebrachial interosseous membrane, a sheet of fiber |
What is the advantage of having two bones in your forearm? (Ch. 7 pg. 183) |
The ability to twist at the wrist |
Which bone of the forearm is lateral and which is medial in anatomic position? (Ch. 7 pg. 183) |
In anatomic position, the ulna is medial & the radius is lateral |
What is the pnumonic to remember the carpal bones, proceding lateral to medial, proximal to distal. (Ch. 7 pg. 184) |
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle
(Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate) |
Where does the femur articulate with the hip bone? (Ch. 7 pg. 186) |
The acetabulum of the hip bone. |
Explain the differences of the male & female pelvis (2 hip bones & sacrum) from the female perspective. (Ch. 7 pg. 193) |
Female pelvis is:
- smoother/lighter & fewer markings for attachments because less muscle
- larger pelvic outlet
- less curvature of sacrum/coccyx
- wider, more rounded pelvic inlet
- broad, low pelvis
- widely fanning
- broader pubic angle
(all except first for child birth) |
What is the greatest function of the lower limbs? (Ch. 7 pg. 193) |
Transfer the body weight to the ground. |
Which leg bone transfers weight to the ankle and foot? (Ch. 7 pg. 196) |
The tibia (the fibula does not transfer weight) |
What are the function of the arches of the foot? (Ch. 7 pg. 200) |
Accept weight of body while adapting to ground surfaces, and act as a stable platform to support weight while standing. (Longitudinal arch transfer weight to fron of foot & ground) |
What can the condition of a skeleton inform about? (Ch. 7 pg. 200) |
Medical history, sex ,age, race, muscle mass. |
What exists where two bones meet, and how do they come in contact? (Ch. 8 pg. 206) |
Joints, or articulations, exist where two bones meet, and they can either come in direct contact, or be separated by fibrous tissue, cartilage, or fluid |
What are the 3 main types of joints? (Ch. 8 pg. 206) |
- Synarthrosis - immovable
- Amphiarthrosis - slightly moveable
- Diarthrosis, or synovial - freely moveable
What are the types of synarthrosis? (Ch. 8 pg. 206) |
- Suture - immovable interlocking joint of the skull
- Gomphosis - fibrous synarthrosis that binds each tooth to the surrounding bony socket (periodontal ligament = fibrous connection)
- Synchondrosis - interposition of cartilage plate (ex. epiphyseal cartilage)
- Syntosis - fusion of bone (ex. frontal suture on frontal bone)
What are the 6 basic characteristics of synovial (freely move, diarthrotic) joints? (Ch. 8 pg. 207) |
- A joint capsule
- Articular cartilages
- A joint cavity filled with synovial fluid
- A synovial membrae lining the joint capsule
- Accesory structures
- Sensory nerves and blood vessels that supply the exterior and interior of the joint
What are the 3 funtions of synovial fluid? (Ch. 8 pg. 207) |
- Provide lubrication, reducing friction within the capsule
- Nurishes the chondrocytes by delivering nutrients when the fluid is circulated by motion
- Acts as a shock absorber by evenly distributing a shock across the surface
Describe the different types of movement. (Ch. 8 pg. 209-11 inc. figs 3,4,5) |
- Linear - gliding of two opposing surfaces past each other. ex. carpal/tarsal bones
- Angular - Abduction (away from body), adduction (toward body), flexion (reduces angle between articulating elements), extension (increases angle between articulating elements), and circumduction (ex. moving arm in loop)
- Rotation - ex. shaking head no (right & left) or pronation/supination of hand
- Special - eversion/inversion, dorsiflexion/plantar flexion, lateral flexion, protraction/retraction, opposition, elevation/depression
Describe the 6 types of synovial joints. (Ch. 8 pg. 212, fig 8.6) |
- Plane joint - gliding joints with slight sliding movement
- Hinge joint - motion along a single plane, allowing flexion/extenson (elbow, knee)
- Pivot joint - rotational motion along single plane (atlas/axis to turn head)
- Condylar (ellipsoidal) joint - motion along two planes (fingers/toes go front/back, left/right)
- Saddle joint - same as above except greater range (thumb)
- Ball & socket - all combinations of movement (shoulder/hip)
How do mobility and strength relate within a joint?(Ch. 8 pg. 214) |
Inversely (Increased mobility = decreased strength, and vice versa) |
Explain the design of the intervertebral discs. (Ch. 8 pg. 214) |
Tough outer layer of cartilage (anulus fibrosus) and elastic, gelatinous core (nucleus pulposus) which acts as a shock absorber between vertebrae |
What are the names, and where are the 5 ligaments of the vertebral column? (Ch. 8 pg. 215) |
- Anterior longitudinal ligament - connects the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies
- Posterior longitudinal ligament - parallel to above, but along the posterior surface of the vertebral bodies
- Ligamentum flavum - connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae
- Interspinous ligament - connects the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae
- Supraspinous ligament - connects the tips of the spinous processes
What movements are possible of the vertebral column? (Ch. 8 pg. 215) |
- Anterior flexion (bending forward)
- Extension (bending backward)
- Lateral flexion (bending to the side)
- Rotation (twisting)
What happens in a case of a herniated disc? (Ch. 8 pg. 216, fig 9b) |
The nucleus pulposus breaks through the anulus fibrosus and pinches a spinal nerve |
What is a bursa? (Ch. 8 pg. 219) |
A sac filled with synovial fluid, which reduces friction at joints |
What are rheumatism and arthritis? (Ch. 8 pg. 229) |
- Rheumatism indicates pain and stiffness of the skeletal or muscular systems, or both.
- Arthritis is a type of rheumatism that affects synovial joints
Why are the muscular and skeletal systems sometimes referred to as the musculoskeletal system? (Ch. 8 pg. 231) |
Because they are so structurally and funtionally interdependent |
What is the ratio of axial muscle to appendicular muscle? (Ch. 10 pg. 262) |
60% axial, 40% appendicular |
How is the size of a muscle connected to depth from surface? (Ch. 10 pg. 263) |
Superficial muscles are generally larger than the deeper muscles |
Where do the muscles of facial expression usually insert? (Ch. 10 pg. 264) |
Insert on skin rather than bone. |
What does the trochlea (ligamentous sling) in the eye socket do? (Ch. 10 pg. 267) |
Changes the direction of the force |
What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the back? (Ch. 10 pg. 273) |
Extrinsic are the superficial and intermediate layers of muscles, and intrinsic are the deepest layer of muscles |
What are the 3 main functions of the perineum and pelvic diaphragm? (Ch. 10 pg. 279) |
- Support the organs in the pelvic cavity
- Flex the joints of the sacrum & coccyx
- Control movement of materials through the urethra and anus
What are the functions of the connective tissue fibers of the deep fasciae? (Ch. 11 pg. 318) |
Support and interconnect adjacent skeletal muscles but permit inderpendent movement |
What do compartments of the limbs signify? (Ch. 11 pg. 319) |
The action of the muscle (compartments group by action) |