Shared Flashcard Set


Anatomy of the Knee
My project notes for the knee
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards





The knee is a meeting place of bones in the leg.  The femur (thigh) and the tibia (shinbone)

The patella sits in the front of the knee.


The knee joint is a synovial joint

The end of the femur joins the top of the tibia to create the knee joint



2 round bony projections on the end of the femur are the femoral condyles


They rest on the top of the tibia.  This area is called the tibial plateau.  


The patella glides through a special groove formed by the 2 femoral condyles called the 


Fibula (small bone) never enters the knee joint.  Connects to the side of the tibia with a joint that doesn't move much.

Articular cartilage covers the ends of the bones in a  joint.  About 1/4 of an inch thick.  

Slippery substance allows the surfaces to slide against each other without damage to each.




Ligaments of the knee

tough ands of tissue that connect the ends of the bones together.


Important ligaments are on either side of the knee joint.


Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)

Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)


These both prevent the knee from moving too far in the side to side direction



Ligaments inside the knee

Stretch between the femur and the tibia


Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)


Controls the  front to back motion of knee


ACL keeps the tibia from sliding too far forward in relation to the femur

PCL keeps te tibia from sliding too far backwards 


Menisci of the knee

Sit between the femur and the tibia.

Acts as a gasket to spread the force from the weight of the body over a larger area.

Help the ligaments with stabilizing the knee


Femur is ball like at end

Tibia flat

Meniscus fills in the space between them

Without the menisci, any weight on the femur would be concentrated to one point on the tibia.  This will damage the area from excessive force degenerating it over time.


Menisci thicker on the outside which helps to keep the femur from rolling on the flat tibia.  

Converts the flat tibial surface into a shallow socket.  


Tendons attach muscle to bone


Largest tendon around the knee is the patellar tendon.  Connects the kneecap to the tibia.  Covers the patella and continues up the thigh.


Quadriceps Tendon attaches the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh.


Hamstrings area also connected with tendon in the back of the knee. These tendons are commonly used as tendon grafts to replace torn ligaments in the knee.


4 quadriceps muscles in front of the thigh are responsible for motor movements


They contract to straighten the knee and relax to bend.


Hamstrings contract to bend the knee.



Most important nerve around the knee is the Popliteal nerve in the back of the knee.

Large nerve travels to the lower leg and foot supplying sensation and muscle control.  It splits just above the knee to form the tibial nerve and the Peroneal nerve.

The Tibial nerve travels down the back of the leg and the Peroneal travels around the outside of the knee and down the front of the leg to the foot.  

Blood Vessels

Major blood vessels around the knee travel with the popiteal nerve down the back of the leg.

Popiteal artery and popiteal vein are the largest blood supply to the leg and foot.  


Popiteal artery becomes damaged beyond repair, the leg will become necrotic.


Reminder: artery carries blood to the body part

veins carry blood back to the heart

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