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Anatomy of the Hand Revised

Additional Medical Flashcards




Avascular necrosis
Fractured scaphoid caused by a fall on the outstretched hand; swelling and tenderness occur over the anatomic snuff box; may lead to avascular necrosis because of frequent transection of the nutrient artery (distant to proximal).
Scaphoid fracture
1)Wrist sprain as a result of hyperextension injury secondary to a fall on an outstretched hand may produce scaphoid fracture
2)A missed scaphoid fracture has a high incidence of SCAPHOID NONUNION AND SUBSEQUENT ARTHRITIS
3)Under-treated occult scaphoid fracture can cause major complications!
4)Scaphoid fracture is suspected when patient complains of pain over the “snuff box” and scaphoid tubercle
5)Scaphoid fracture can be seen in Colle’s fractures
Colle's Fracture
1)A fracture of the distal end of the radius as a result of a fall on outstretched, extended and abducted hand
2)The fractured distal segment displaces DORSALLY and the hand assume dinner-fork appearance
3)Distal end of the ulna and scaphoid may also fracture
Important metacarpal bones
Lunate-can dislocate can compress median nerve and 3rd metacarpal shortens. (parathesia)
Pisiform-sesamoid bone (embedded in flexor carpi ulnaris tendon)
*Hamate-hook of hamate+pisiform form canal of Guyon where ulnar nerve runs through. Handlebar neuropathy.*
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
osseofibrous canal deep to the transverse carpal ligament--median nerve+flexor digitorium profundius+superificalis
Most common neuropathy of the hand
Usually a unilateral condition affecting the dominant hand
Occurs in pregnancy, Colles’ fracture, congestive heart failure, acromegaly, repeated flexion and extension of the hand at wrist, etc.
Characterized by acroparasthesia
Nocturnal pain
Atrophy of thenar muscles, and ape-hand configuration in severe cases
Opposition and thumb abduction are commonly affected
Skier's Thumb
1)Results from minor tear or rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the MCP Joint of the thumb
2)Fracture of the base of proximal phalanx due to acute radial abduction may also occur
3)Seen during skiing, playing Football and wrestling
4)Patient experiences pain on the ulnar side of the joint and inability to form a grip
Rheumatoid Arthritis
1)Symmetric inflammation of the articular synovia of multiple joints
2)Associated with pannus and potential destruction of articular surfaces
3)Involves the MP and PIP joints
4)Onset is insidious and often associated with fever
5)Characterized by tenderness, morning siffness, flexion contractures and at late stages patients may exhibit ulnar deviation of the fingers with slippage of the extensor tendons of the off the MP joints
6)Painless, subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules may appear
1)Associated with wear and tear of the articular surfaces of certain joints
2)Bony margins proliferate to form spurs (osteophytes)
2)Joints are painless, but show stiffness after rest
3)Initial normal range of motion observed
4)Heberden’s nodules are frequently encountered in the DIP joints, 5)Bouchard’s nodule are seen in PIP joints
6)Confined to DIP but can affect PIP and first carpometacarpal joints
Jersey Finger
1)Closed Avulsion of the insertion of Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP) tendon of the 5th or 4th digit
2)Affects football or rugby players
3)The FDP maximally contracts while the finger is forcibly extended by acceleration of the opposing player (pulling the jersey of another player)
4)Pain and inability to flex the DIP joint of the injured finger
Dupuytren’s Contracture
1)A commonly bilateral condition that affects mostly men over the age of 50
2)Hereditary disposition (autosomal dominance), but also seen in diabetes, alcoholism & epilepsy
3)Characterized by progressive painless thickening of the medial bands of the palmar aponeurosis
4)The fifth and fourth digit assume flexed positions at the MP and PIP joints by the pull of the shortened aponeurotic bands
5)Surgical removal of fibrotic tissue may be necessary for successful treatment
Volkmann's Ischemic Contracture
1)Refers to fibrosis of the muscles of the forearm as an end result of ischemic necrosis
2)FDP and FDS muscles are shortened, leading to wrist flexion contracture and clawing of the fingers
3)Passive extension of the fingers usually produces pain in the forearm
Tight cast at the elbow or tourniquet on the upper arm; brachial artery laceration by supracondylar fracture or arterial spasm from injection
4)Characterized by pain, swelling, pallor, pulselessness and paralysis
Mallet Finger
1)A deformity that results from rupture of the extensor digital expansion that attaches to the base of the distal phalanx
2)Avulsion fracture of the base of the distal phalanx and dislocation of the DIP joint may occur
Swan Neck Deformity
1)Seen in chronic case of mallet finger, spasticity and malunion of the a fracture of the middle phalanx
2)Results from drooping of the DIP joint and extensor imbalance in the affected finger
3)Characterized by hyperextension of the PIP joint, flexion of the metacarpal and PIP joints
Intersection Syndrome
1)Inflammatory condition affecting the APL/EPB and Radial wrist extensors ECRL/ECRB
DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
1)Stenosing tenosynovitis of the Abductor Pollicis Longus (APL) and Extensor Pollicis Brevis (EPB) distal to the styloid process of the radius
2)Repetitive use, e.g. wringing
3)Pain over the thumb and wrist and positive Finkelstein’s test confirms the diagnosis: Patient clenches his fist upon his thumb, the examiner pushes the thumb medially to elicit the pain
Anatomic Snuffbox
1)A surface depression which becomes visible in the adducted hand and extend thumb
2)The floor of this depression is formed by the styloid process of radius, scaphoid, trapezium, and the base of the first metacarpal bone
3)Bounded laterally by the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis, and medially by the extensor pollicis longus
4)Crossed by the superficial branch of the radial nerve and saphenous vein
5)Contains the radial artery
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