These tissues can have different thicknesses, such as, simple (One layer of cells), stratified (Two of more layers of cells), they can be different in shape, Squamous (flat cells), cuboidal (cubed), or columnar (columns). Also they can either have microvilli, or cilia. All of the different types of epithelial tissues have four characteristics in common: - a free, or apical surface
- a basement membrane
- the lack of intercellular substances
- a lack of blood supply
All of the layers also aid in protection, filtration, secretion, absorbtion, and sencory reception.
These are the layers that make up the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. These layers will stay the same in terms of the arrangment of the layers, but what the layers consist of will change a bit. Smooth epithelial muscle and epithelial tissues are important for aiding in the functions of the GIT so they will be somewhere in the tunic layers in all parts of the digestive system. |
What are the general tissues in the small intestine? |
These is the general lay out of all the tissues thoughout the gastrintestinal tract: - Tunica mucosa, consists of three layers within itself:
- Simple squamous epithelial tissue layer
- Lamina propria mucosa
- Lamina muscularis mucosa
2. Tunica submucosa 3. Tunica muscularis 4. Tunica serousa |
Tunica Mucosa, and three layers |
The tunica mucosa is the inner most layer of the small intestine, and many other parts of the GIT. The layers include: - Simple Columnar Epithelial Tissue= this is a single layer of flat cells that is lined with villi, to help absorb the nutrients and other solutes, by increasing surface area. The layer also contains goblet cells that secrete mucous to lubricate the lumen, so that it does not get harmed by the materials that are passing through.
- Lamina Propria Mucosa= Consists of loose areolar connective tissues, that serve as a point to attachment onto the more superfical layers. It also contains capillaries and lymph vessels.
- Lamina Muscularis= Is a very narrow band of smooth muscle tissues that aids in the contracts that mov the food down the intestine. It is the outermost boundary of the Tunica Mucosa.
This layer is just under the lamina muscularis mucosa of the tunica musoca, it is made up of areolar connective tissues, like the lamina propria mucosa. It is also richyt suppied with blood vessels, nerves, glands and lymph nodes. |
This consists of two layers of smooth muscle tissues, the first is in circularly arranged smooth muscle tissue and the second one is arranged in longitually arranged smooth muscles tissues. It is responsible for mixing and moving the food by used peristalic contractions. |
This is the outer most layer, it is composed of simple squamous epithelium. Adipose and conntective tissues may be included in this layer depending on where it is located. |
Esophagus's Tissue Layers |
Includes all the basic layers of the small intestine; tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica musculars, and tunica sereosa the most significant difference between the layers of the esophogus and the layers of the small intestine is that, is includes, stratified squamous epithelium instead of simple columnar epithelium. |
Pancreas and Tissue layers |
This is a reproperitoneal gland that functions for both the endocrine and exocrine systems. The exocrine cells are secreted from the acinar cells, which make up the pancreatic acini which are ducts, these transported the secretions, to the pancreatic ducts which then lead them to the duodenum. The pancreatic acini are the bulk of the gland and therefore are what you see when you look through a microscope. The endocrine cells are produced in the Islets of langerhan in alkiline fluids that are rich in enzymes. The Islets of langerhan are the lighter colored islands that are scattered throughout the exocrine tissue. |
These are the cells which secrete the enzymes for the exocrine system, the enzymes are used to digest protiens, lipid, and carbohydrates, they are: Trypsin, chymotrypsin, Lipase, tryposinogen, and pancreatic amylase. The cells make up the pancreatic acini, and which are ducts that the enzymes do through to get to the bigger ducts called the pancreatic ducts to get to the duodenum. |
These are cells that are used for the endocrine system to secrete enzymes to the duodenum from the pancreas. They secrete enzymes such as, insulin and Glycogen from the pancreas into the blood to help maintain the glucose levels in the blood. The Glycogen is secrete to the liver when the blood is passing through and the glucose levels are high, it turns the extra glucose into glucogon so that it can be stored until needed. Insulin is secretes to the liver aswell when the blood is passing through the liver and the glucose level is low, this takes the stored glyocogon out and turns is back into glucose, so that it will bring the level back up to 100%. |
These are important for maintaining water and electrode balance and also are important in removing soluble waste. Urine is produced here and there are three steps that it must go through to become urine, - Filtration
- Selective reabsorbtion of small molecules
- Secretion of unwanted materials
The epithelial tissues are very well suited for the functions in the kidney, it is mostly all made up of some kind or another of epithelial tissues, the renal tubulle is made up of simple cubiodal epithelium, the renal corpuscle is made up of simple squamous epithelium, these are part of the nephron.