- CA, AZ (grand canyon), Utah
- Resident, but wide-ranging
- Wilderness, rock outcrops
- Large carrion (cows, deer, etc)-->follows turkey vulture
- 1 Egg, can be "double clutched"
- Monogamous, nest gravel on cliff ledge, altricual
- Endangered, increasing
- Osprey
- Cosmopolitan, all continents
- Migratory-->Canada to Mexico
- Rivers, lakes, coast, water oriented
- hover and plunge for fish
- 3 eggs
- Nest of large sticks high in snag near water (can nest in power poles)
- Species of special concern, increasing
- Bald Eagle
- North America, Canada to US some resident
- Migratory
- Coastal areas, large rivers, lakes
- fish (salmon), waterfowl, carrion-->steal from osprey, can't dive as deep
- 2 eggs
- Nest of large sticks, high in large tree near water
- Increasing, protected by Bald Eagle Act
- Northern Goshawk
- Holarctric, Canada to US
- Resident
- Dense, conifer-dominated forests
- Small birds/mammals, prefer birds can chase down in trees
- 3 eggs
- Nest large sticks in large tree, likes to nest in canopy
- Most likely growing in east, uncertain, forest service lists as management indicator species
- Swainson's Hawk
- North America, Argentina+Venezuela in winter
- Migratory
- grassland, savannah
- small mammals, grasshoppers
- 2 eggs
- Nest of sticks in isolated tree, re-uses corvid (crow/raven) nests
- Not listed, species of concern in CA, decreasing
- Was eating poisoned grasshoppers in Argentina, etc
- Golden Eagle
- Western N. America
- Most resident, some move south in winter
- Open mountains, plains
- Hares, rabbits, ground sqirrels
- 2 eggs
- Nest of large sticks, in large isolated tress on snags/cliffs
- Stable, uncertain population trends
- Peregrine Falcon
- cosmopolitan, Canada/AK to Mexico
- Migratory
- open wetlands near cliffs, cities
- birds, ducks, pigeons, doves
- 3 eggs
- nest scrape in cliff, ledge of talls buildings/bridges
- Increasing, delisted in 1999
- Revered in Middle East, expensive birds, fastest bird alive up to 342 mph
- Spotted Owl
- Western US
- Down slope migration, some resident
- Old growth conifer forests
- Woodrats @ low elevations, flying squirrels @ higher elevations
- 2 eggs
- nest cavity in large snags
- Declining, 2 subspecies threatened (N. Spotted+Mexican)
- Outcompeted by barred owl