Shared Flashcard Set


American West - Subduing the Indians
History GCSE Paper 1
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





Name three ways in which the white Americans attempted to subdue the Indians.

1. Reservations

2. Destruction of buffalo herds

3. Destruction of Indian culture

Name 5 negatives of the Indian reservations.

1. Indians were supervised by government appointed Indian agents.

2. Conditions on the reservations were bad.

3. People were punished for offences without trial.

4. For a society based on hunting and war, being depentant was demoralising.

5. Reservations were usually on land the settlers didn't want, such as farm land of very poor quality and sometimes unhealthy in places.

Name 3 positives of the Indian reservations.

1. To a small number of Indians the reservation was an opportunity for lesser chiefs to gain importance by cooperating with Indian agents.

2. Some gained power and prestige of being in with the Indian police.

3. Some Indian nations eg the Pawnee were farmers anyway so the change in lifestyle didn't affect them.


How did white Americans politically destroy Indian culture?
Power and authority of chiefs weakened by encouraging families to collect their own rations rather than letting chiefs distribute them. In 1885, Indians lost any power to judge and punish members of their bands and so Indians were made to become self-sufficient instead of going to their Chief.
How did white Americans economically destroy Indian culture?
There was no buffalo meat for food, no hides for tipis, clothing etc and no chance to increase their wealth by stealing horses as they were not allowed to leave their reservation.
How did white Americans religiously destroy Indian culture?
Feasts, dances and ceremonies (such as the Sun Dance) were banned and Christian missionaries tried to convert Indians.
How did white Americans educationally destroy Indian culture?
Children were taken from their parents and sent to boarding school to be prepared for life in the 'white man's world'. They were punished if they spoke their own language in school. The Sioux were unable to prevent their children being taken. If they resisted, their rations were stopped until they had to give in.
Describe how the Buffalo Herds were destroyed.

Hunting for Sport - Hunting increased when the railroads reached the Plains. Railway builders and workers needed food, leading to more hunting. Buffalo hunters (eg Buffalo Bill) were employed to keep railway workers supplied with fresh meat.

Hunting for Hides - In 1871, the discovery by an Eastern Tannery of a process to produce high quality leather from buffalo hindes. The price of buffalo went up. Trains could transport the hides easily the industry.

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