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American History Midterm
American history
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Dominion of New England
Established by James II in 1685. Absorbed and consolidated the colony of NE into one unit so can better enforce trade laws. appointed sir Edwards andros govenor and set up rigid enforcement of the navigation acts and ports. Protesters arose but were encarcirated. Also moved into congregational churches and turned to Anglicsn. This severely angers the colonusts because viewed as taking step back toward Catholics and tyranny. Gave rise to first real upheaval of the colonists toward England. some first grounds for what the colonists did not want govt to look like.
Poor house
Provided shelter for the "deserving poor" of society. Established under the poor law. While idea was good not as beneficial as may seem because society viewed those who fell I into poverty due to laziness guilty of sloth. Had to have long standing in colony to qualify usually. Developed as the result of west award expansion and these elderly and poor not having family near enough to care for them. 

Economic theory that held that weslth was fixed and for one nation to get richer another must get poorer.

First seen by Spain. Retarded their success because it kept the gold in vaults instead of using it to create a thriving commercial sector. 

doctrine set up by England when sent these merchants to the colonies. Meant to raise revenue for the state through individual economic activity. Enlightenment thinking soon turned colonists against this idea and instead began to think could pursue wealth for themselves and give state only it's fair share. Played a vital role in the growing discomfort of colonists toward English rule 

John Locke 
enlightenment thinker witI heavy influence on the American revolutionary leaders. Described govt as an artificial establishment that ideally protects human life, liberty, and estate and is limited. Laid grounds for the declaration of rights and grievances and later the declaration of independence 
Conspiracy against liberty
1513. Was a written declaration of Spanish sovereignty and war over new world-said Spain with support of the church may claim war on the native people of the new world. Used religion as a means of conquering the native tribes. 
Glorious revolution 
A great political upheaval in England in 1688. King James II had inflicted the navigation acts along with the Anglican religion on the colonists and took away their rights to bear arms Because in his mind he ruled by divine right. Whig upheaval exiled James out god England and his Protestant daughter and her husband, William and Mary, took the throne. They implemented the declaration of rights-confirmed monarch was not supreme along with other basic rights. Although revolutionary the colonists still resonated hatred for the monarchs and any form of centralized political, religious, economic, and military authority. 
Abigail Adams 
Wife of John Adams. Wrote him While at constitutional convention saying to not forget the women. First women rights support essentially 
Richard hakluyt's discourse on western planting 
English writer and cleric From 1522-1616. Wrote discourse to be a design for English colonization. Described North America colonization as thriving with economic and nationalistic benefits. Among these were trade, unemployment solutions, crime relief, and a start to rival Spanish trade And expansion. Also gave grounds for assimilation of Indians. Must plant themselves society stove societies to spread Protestant-Anglican faith. 
Daniel Shays’s Rebellion
raised taxes in Massachusetts instigated an uprising in 1786. Shays lead debtors from county to county to close court houses in order to prevent collection of debt. faciliated the Philidelphia Constitutional Convention because conservative leaders saw this as an example of excess of liberty, that the Articles were incapable of providing effective govt, and that state govts were to responsive to popular will
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
social contract adopted by Thomas Hooker (breakaway Puritans) who established the Connecticut colony in 1636 to govern themselves in keeping with Protestant fair and common law. created a closer state-church relationship than existed in Massachusetts. 
Alexander Hamilton
leading federalist at the Constitutional Convention and afterwards. wrote the "Federalist Papers" in 1788 to promote the new constitution and assuage fears of a too powerful central govt. 
The French and Indian War
1754 to 1763. tensions had built up between the French and English for some time, mostly concerning land ownership. once colonists moved into the Ohio R. Valley which was claimed by the French war really began to pick up. Iroquis assisted the British in battle while other indian tribes backed the French. ended in the removal of French from N. America in the treaty of Paris in 1763. this played very large role in the ensuing fight for independence because colonists realized they no longer needed the British for protection, but armies remained. Also when levied for more representation the British said they had smuggled with French during the war so their wish would not be granted=tension in the colonies
Articles of Confederation
March 1, 1781 they were adopted. established loosely connected league of soveriegn policies. Power of the people manifested through state govts. Confed govt reflected the structure of democratic state govt-no presidency, no supreme court, and congress was unicameral legislature. 1st form of govt by the new independent states. reflected immediate goals of not mimiking english rule as well as the ability of the people to  have strong say in what the govt was to be about
Boston Tea Party
December 16th, 1774. colonists boarded 3 ships of the East India Company and destroyed tea supplies. done in response to the tea act. facilitated the Coersive/Intollerable Acts-closed port of Boston until tea was payed for, suspended all town meetings, took away elected element of Massachusetts legislature. started to give rise to the "no taxation without representation"
Thomas Jefferson facilitated this seperation of church and state in 1777 with the proposal of a law that eventually became the Virgina Act Establishing Religoius Freedom in 1786. while this did not prevent the state of Virginia from pomoting Protestantism, it did abolish state support of the Anglican Church through freedom from govt mandated tithing. one of first steps toward legit religious freedom in the new United States. finally a true seperation of state and church. 
Valley Forge
Where Washington retreated from the British for the winter of 1776-77. faced extremely harsh conditions as far as temeratures, clothing, and shelter. even though in frozen hell Washinton hammered his men into shape while the British grew lazy and comfortable. if they would have moved in on Washington then they would have won the war, but this was not the case. gave them the advantage they needed to defeat the british. 
Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion
1676-77. was a revolt of farmers on the natives led by Nathaniel Bacon. instead he killed friendly Indidans which threatened to send the whole region into war. then angry that the govenor did not send him troops originally to protect his land he turned on Jamestown. eventually burnt down most of buildings after realized governor was rally own militia. facilitated the desire for amore controlled form of labor-slavery
Declarations of Rights
were the frist formal gaurantors of inalienable rights. Virginia Declaration of Rights were written in 1776 by George Mason. said people have the right to "reform, alter, and abolish govt" along with an array of other rights of the people. originated from English common law, english bill of rights 1669, and writings of John Locke. 
Ratification debates
created two new political parties in the Federalists and Antifederalists. Feds-congress was given power to tax, regulate trade, and maintain armies. Antifeds-believed direct taxation power constituted a threat to local govt, standing army promised despotic rule, threat to popular soverignty, local govt, and liberty. Constitution eventually ratified but withouth the debates would not have. facilitated the creation of the Bill of Rights as well as the Federalist Papers-documents that have structed US Govt to this day
Anne Hutchinson
Prominent Puritan in Massachusetts Bay Colony. claimed meetings she held had direct revelations from God and questioned leaders on materialism and qualifications for divine right. this lack of subordination from a woman especially pushed the leaders to cast her out in 1638. went to Rhode Island with Roger Williams. prime example of the religious persecution the colonists were now inflicting on eachother-the exact thing they left England to avoid. 
rose in response to the ratification debates of the Constitution in 1787. saw constitution as a dangerous renewal of centralized power, a threat to popular sovereignty, local govt, and liberty. 
First Great Awakening
powerful revival of Protestant faith. church response to the Enlightenment period/thinking. Gave rise to inspirational speakers like George Whitefield and Johnathan Edwards but more imporantly a increased numbers of denominations within the Protestant church-showed the growing independent nature of the colonists
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