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ALS V1 Formative
Exercises & Knowledge checks

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SrA Shelby listens as the ALS instructor says, “The course is rigorous so you’ll want to manage your time wisely because your achievements depend entirely on the effort you put forth. Invest time in reviewing lesson objectives and samples of behavior because they help you prepare for exams. Although we use various teaching methods to appeal to all learning styles, most students find it takes effective study habits, critical thinking, and effective use of EPME’s structured thinking process to make it through the course.”
The instructor’s comments BEST explain ________ concepts and how they contribute to individual success.
a. time management
b. successful learning
c. teaching methods and effective study habits
b. successful learning
The day before graduating, SrA Hill is showing her dad, a military retiree, around the campus when he asks, “What was the hardest part of the course?” Hill replies, “The schedule was hard at first because I was juggling reading, writing, and homework assignments plus marathon study sessions with my flight. I finally settled into a routine that helped me pay attention in class, take good notes, and actively participate in classroom discussions. However, I would have to say the hardest part for me was the public speaking. Thank goodness, my flight came together to practice all the time.
SrA Hill’s actions BEST illustrate __________ and its impact on her effectiveness.
a. time managements concepts
b. study and practice habits
c. elements of the learning process
c. elements of the learning process
While talking with another instructor, TSgt Bright says, “I’m concerned about SrA Tall, one of my students. She completes all assignments and I know she takes notes because she shares them with the flight, but she barely passed her briefing evaluations, which I believe is due to the flight helping her practice so much. Although I have seen her study with the flight, most of the time she studies alone. This morning she failed the formative exercise, by one question, and failed to meet the academic standard. I counseled her about additional study but I’m not sure she can pass the summative.”
SrA Tall’s use of ____________ will MOST LIKELY earn her _______________.
a. effective use of the elements of the Learning Process; enhance
b. ineffective use of the elements of the Learning Process; hinder
c. effective use of the IDDP Structured Thinking Process; enhance
d. ineffective use of the IDDP Structured Thinking Process; enhance
a. effective use of the elements of the Learning Process; enhance
What are some things you can do to avoid “burnout?”
Don’t be caught off guard
Follow a set schedule
Get organized (prioritize tasks/assignments)
Don’t procrastinate
Budget time for work and play (avoid burnout)
What are some of the benefits of good time management?
Allows me to focus on important items first
Allows time to read, study, and practice
Prevents/avoids procrastination
Prevents having to rush at the last minute to complete an assignment
Reduces / eliminates stress associated with falling behind
Allows free time to relax more

Place the letter A, V, or T to identify the Auditory, Visual, or Tactile Learner Characteristics:

Difficulty following written directions
May not look speakers in the eye
Has difficulty with spoken directions
Needs to see it to learn it
Has difficulty sitting still
Learns better when involved
Participate in discussions, ask questions, and repeat given information
Discuss the material with someone else
Use multicolored highlighters to organize notes
Write everything down; review often
Role play, “be the ball”
Take frequent breaks


Difficulty following written directions - A
May not look speakers in the eye - A
Has difficulty with spoken directions - V
Needs to see it to learn it - V
Has difficulty sitting still - T
Learns better when involved - T
Participate in discussions, ask questions, and repeat given information - A
Discuss the material with someone else - A
Use multicolored highlighters to organize notes - V

Write everything down; review often - V
Role play, “be the ball” - T
Take frequent breaks - T


Match the description from the right column with the corresponding key to successful learning in the left column. All answers used only once.

___ Definition of Learning

___ Formative Exercises

___ Take Notes
___ Study
___ Practice
___ Testing
___ Summative Evaluation
___ Lifelong Learning

A. instead of memorizing, seek to understand
B. include main ideas and supporting details
C. changes the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves
D. one indicator of how well you have learned
E. apply information after graduation and continue learning
F. determine if you have met learning objectives
G. reinforces knowledge, builds self-confidence
H. indicate preparedness for summative evaluation


C  Definition of Learning

B  Formative Exercises

A  Take Notes
G  Study
Summative Evaluation
Lifelong Learning


Match the sub-competency description from the right column with the corresponding competency in the left column. All answers used only once.

___ Employing Military Capabilities

___ Enterprise Perspective

___ Managing Organizations and Resources

___ Strategic Thinking

___ Leading People

___ Fostering Collaborative Relationships
___ Embodies Airman Culture

___ Communicating

A. Adaptability
B. Negotiating
C. Global, Regional and Cultural Awareness
D. Diversity
E. Active listening
F. Operational and Strategic Art
G. Ethical Leadership
H. Change Management


F Employing Military Capabilities

C Enterprise Perspective

H Managing Organizations and Resources

A Strategic Thinking

D  Leading People

B Fostering Collaborative Relationships
G  Embodies Airman Culture

E Communicating

What is open-mindedness?
Willingness to investigate viewpoints different from your own and ability to recognize when to doubt claims that do not merit such investigation.
What does intellectual humility mean?
Adhering tentatively to recently acquired opinions; Being prepared to examine new evidence and arguments even if such examination leads you to discover flaws in your own cherished beliefs; Stop thinking that complex issues can be reduced to right and wrong or black and white and look at degrees of certainty or shades of gray; Recognizing that “I don’t know” can sometimes be the wisest position to take on an issue.
What does it mean to be a free thinker?

Having an independent mind and being able to restrain yourself from the desire to believe because of social pressures to conform.

What does it mean to have a high motivation to become a critical thinker?
Having a natural curiosity to further your understanding; Putting in the work to evaluate the multiple sides of an issue; reaching a sufficient level of understanding.
What is system 1 and system 2 thinking?
Reactive thinking involves deciding first, reacting, and then trying to make sense of it all. Automatic (reactive) decisions that are made based on instinct, intuition based upon expertise, training, and practice. Reflective thinking begins with a state of doubt, hesitation, or perplexity and moves through the act of searching for information that will resolve, clarify, or address the situation/problem.

Speaking to his boss, SSgt Binder says, I’ve always been taught to spend all the funds in our account. Otherwise, we lose that for good. Should we spend the funds left in our account on things we do not really need? Binder’s boss responds, “you are the expert on resources…what do you think?” Binder replies, “I don’t know.” After Binder asks questions to find the facts and examines the issue from different viewpoints, he decides not to spend the funds. The following year, Binder’s budget is cut by the amount he did not spend.

SSgt Binder’s final actions BEST illustrate __________ impact on mission effectiveness.

a. proficient critical thinking and its

b. critical thinking hindrance and their

c. System 1 approach to decision making and its


a. proficient critical thinking and its

a. CORRECT: SSgt Binder’s comments best illustrate proficient critical thinking, which according to the Critical Thinking chapter, includes the characteristics of 1) open-mindedness, 2) healthy skepticism, and 3) intellectual humility. Binder shows open-mindedness and healthy skepticism when he asks questions to find the facts and examine issues from different sides. He shows intellectual humility by saying, “I don’t know.” Because of Binder’s decision, his budget is now aligned with mission requirements and the extra money can be used for other mission priorities.


Observing how worried his subordinates looked while waiting to hear about the organizational restructure, SSgt Steven says, “It’s a commonly known fact that a restructure is mostly for the leadership of the organization, so I wouldn’t worry too much. We all know that the enlisted folks are the people that do most of the work around here and they wouldn’t want to change that!” Afterwards, his subordinates started joking about it.
Because of ______, SSgt Steven’s comments will MOST likely _____his effectiveness.
a. critical thinking hindrances; not change
b. critical thinking hindrances; decrease
c. characteristics of a critical thinker; increase
d. characteristics of a critical thinker; not change
b. critical thinking hindrances; decrease
The _________________Leadership Theory considers one’s ability to complete a specific task and the use of four leadership styles to aid in his or her development.
The _________________ Leadership Theory states that a person’s ability to lead depends on his or her intellect, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and social skills.
The _________________ Leadership Theory focuses on the argument that a person’s ability to lead depends on his or her emotional intelligence, awareness, and control.
The _________________ Leadership Theory believes that pairing a leader to a specific situation is the most effective method because leaders cannot adjust their behaviors.

10. _____This leadership is missing something…the leader.

11. _____With this behavior, a ‘contract’ is established between the leader and the follower.

12. _____This leader is reactive rather than proactive and waits for things to go wrong.

13. _____Followers trust and respect leaders who demonstrate this behavior because they “walks the walk.”

14. _____This behavior can be very effective if used appropriately and counterproductive if used excessively.

15. _____This attribute refers to a leader’s ability to visualize an achievable future and assist followers in developing a sense of purpose.

16. _____Leaders demonstrate this by treating their followers as individuals and supporting each one’s specific, developmental needs.


17. _____This is what transformational leaders use to stimulate and encourage creativity and critical thought.

a. Management by Exception-Active

b. Management by Exception-Passive

c. Idealized Influence

d. Contingent Rewards

e. Intellectual Stimulation

f. Laissez-Faire

g. Individualized Consideration

h. Inspirational Motivation


10  f. Laissez-Faire

11 d. Contingent Rewards

12 b. Management by Exception-Passive

13 c. Idealized Influence

14 a. Management by Exception-Active

15 h. Inspirational Motivation

16 g. Individualized Consideration

17 e. Intellectual Stimulation

How might your understanding of FRLD impact your interaction with subordinates, peers, and/or supervisors?
How might your understanding of FRLD impact your interaction with subordinates, peers, and/or supervisors?

I can use this newfound understanding of FRLD and the various leadership behaviors I can choose from to effectively interact with others

- I can choose the appropriate motivational theory to effectively encourage others accomplish their part of the mission

- With this understanding, I can be more effective as a NCO for my Airmen, peers, and supervision

How might your understanding of FRLD impact mission effectiveness?

Realizing each individual prefers to be led and motivated differently will enable me to communicate better with everyone

- By effectively leading and motivating others, I will be able to meet mission requirements in a timely manner, while conserving resources

- Understanding each leadership behavior of FRLD will allow me to match the appropriate behavior with the individual and situation


During the staff meeting, MSgt Long says, “We are facing an extremely important and challenging mission. Since the recent budget cuts, our unit has been tasked to find more efficient ways to operate. To accomplish this, we must set aside our individual differences and approach this task with optimism and enthusiasm. I am confident that with a team effort, we will exceed the unacceptable status quo and find new and innovative ways to operate with this reduced budget.” Immediately after the meeting, several subordinates approach MSgt Long with their ideas and concerns.

MSgt Long’s actions BEST illustrate _________ and its impact on NCO effectiveness.

a. Individualized Consideration

b. Inspirational Motivation

c. Intellectual Stimulation

b. Inspirational Motivation
SSgt Cox tells SrA Green, his newest instructor, “Since you’ve never instructed before, let’s begin an intensive training program. Your goal is to teach 18 of the 30 lessons during this next class. I will help you prepare to teach each lesson, as well as monitor your performance throughout the course to ensure compliance with standards.” After graduation, Cox says to Green, “Congratulations on meeting your goal! During the next class, you will be required to teach all 30 lessons. In the meantime, let’s work together on a plan for you to win Instructor of the Quarter.” Feeling a bit overwhelmed but excited about the opportunity, Green replies, “Okay.”
SSgt Cox’s _______ will MOST likely ________ his and SrA Green’s effectiveness.
a. use of Transformational Leadership; enhance
b. misuse of Transformational Leadership; hinder
c. use of Transactional Leadership; enhance
d. misuse of Transactional Leadership; hinder
c. use of Transactional Leadership; enhance
The __________ temperament values Interpersonal interaction and close relationships.
The _______________ temperament values competitiveness, hands on work, and people who prefer this temperament work as hard as they play.
The ______________ temperament values competence in themselves and others and can quickly develop contempt for individuals they consider incompetent.
People who prefer the _______________ temperament are goal oriented, ready to complete any task requiring little prompting or encouragement.
9. ___A personal characteristic where one imposes their preferred temperament on others.
10. ___A personal quality where one can modify his or her behaviors to effectively interact with all temperaments.
11. ___Simply because Greens are known to prefer their independence does not mean all who prefer this temperament wish to be alone.
12. ___This is the ability to ‘see’ others, situation, and environment through the other lenses.
13. ___Do not label others as a Gold or Blue, even though you may have correctly identified their preferred temperament.
14. ___Treat others the way they want to be treated, not the way you prefer to treat them.
15. ___Validate each colors strengths: successful organizations and leaders acknowledge the unique capabilities of each temperament.
a. Maturity
b. Humility
c. Pride
d. Validate each colors strengths
e. Give good gifts
f. Keep your observations private
g. Don’t stereotype others

9 c. Pride

10 b. Humility

11 g. Don’t stereotype others

12 a. Maturity

13 f. Keep your observations private

14 e. Give good gifts

15 d. Validate each colors strengths

Given what you have learned about the Four Lenses, how will you use the information to enhance your effectiveness?
Increases understanding of my temperament and how my behavior could affect others
- Helps anticipate how different temperaments interact so I can adapt my management style while leading diverse teams
- Match airmen to tasks that are compatible with their personality and strengths
- Helps supervisors understand subordinates’ needs, joys, strengths, and values based on their temperament
- Helps supervisors adjust motivation techniques (e.g. rewards) based on temperament
- Improves communication techniques, which enhances personal and professional relationships
During her mid-term feedback with SrA Duck, TSgt Wilson says, “I am very impressed with how you completed that last big project. It was extremely demanding both physically and mentally and you completed it with a bold and fearless attitude.” Embarrassed Duck admits, “I’ve never thought of myself as bold and fearless. I just like to be challenged.” TSgt Wilson replies, “In that case, I have another assignment that requires someone with your competitive spirit. Interested?” Duck responds, “Absolutely!”
TSgt Wilson’s comments BEST illustrate her understanding of ____________ impact on NCO effectiveness.
a. temperaments and their
b. blind spots and their
c. maturity and its
a. temperaments and their

SrA Staples is frustrated because his supervisor, TSgt Stevenson, never gives him or any of his coworkers any positive feedback, even when they put in extra effort. Trying to open a line of communication, Staples asks Stevenson for a moment of his time. He says, “Sir, sometimes we’d like to hear that we’re doing a good job or at least get a thank you.” Stevenson replies, “I don’t see how that matters, but I do appreciate how hard all of you work, especially considering how well everyone follows procedures and adheres to the rules around here.”

TSgt Stevenson’s _______ will MOST likely ________his effectiveness.

a. acknowledgment of his Blue temperament; increase

b. failure to acknowledge his Orange temperament; decrease

c. acceptance of feedback about his blind spot; increase

d. failure to acknowledge feedback about his blind spot; decrease

d. failure to acknowledge feedback about his blind spot; decrease
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