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Religious Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards





3 main points of Luke's “political apologetic”

Christianity was


1. harmless (because some Roman officials had embraced it themselves)


2. innocent (because Roman judges could find no basis for prosecution)


2. lawful (because it was the true fulfillment of Judaism.)

3 aspects of the historical background of the Spirit's coming at Pentecost

1. In the OT God’s Spirit came upon certain people for special purposes o Prophecy o Write o Skills


2. In Judaism there arose the belief that the prophecy ceased in the early postexilic period


3. Judaism also expected a special outpouring of God’s Spirit at the coming of the messianic age

3 symbolic meanings of the baptism of “fire” at Pentecost

1. God’s cleansing work


2. God’s judgment on sin and an unbelieving world/refining work on his people


3. God’s glory and his presence with his people

2 dominant views of the relationship between the phenomenon of tongues in Acts 2 and 1 Cor 12, as well as major variations on those views

1. They are the same – either both are estatic utterances or both are human lanuage


2. They are different –

  • Acts 2 refers to human languages, 1 Cor. 12 to  ecstatic tongues

  • 1 Cor. 12 may refer to human languages or ecstatic tongues, depending on the situation

  o Acts 2 Approach: miracle took place in hearing, not in speaking (teacher’s position)

  o Acts 2 Approach: miracle took place in speaking, not in hearing

On what three “fronts” did the Enemy attack the church?

1. Physical violence (persecution); crudest


2. Moral corruption (subversion); more cunning


3. Professional (distraction); subtlest

Summarize the concept of “the overlap of the ages” in the New Testament

• The time between Christ’s first and second comings is a time of tension


• We live simultaneously in “this age” and “the age to come” (the overlap of the ages)


• We experience the blessings of “the age to come”, but will know the fullness of these blessings only at Christ’s return


• The term for this view is inaugurated eschatology

4 NT examples of inaugurated eschatology

1. Jewish writers expected the resurrection of the dead to occur at the beginning of the age to come, yet in the NT Jesus was already raised as the “firstfruits” (! Cor. 15:20) or a kind of “down payment”


2. Jewish writers expected people to be justified (or not) at the last judgment, yet in the NT we have already been justified through faith in Christ (Rom. 3:21-26; 5:1; cf. Rom. 8:31-34)


3. Jewish writers expected Satan and his followers to be defeated at the beginning of the age to come, yet in the NT he has already been defeated decisively (Mt. 12:28; Col. 2:13-15)


4. Jewish writers expected an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the age to come, yet in the NT this outpouring has already taken place at Pentecost (cf. Eph. 1:13-14, where He is called “deposit”)

Explain the basic structure of Acts with its various “panels”; include both topics and scriptural references for the main panels

1. Reaching the Jewish world (2:42-6:7)


2. Breakthroughs in the lives of three key figures (6:8-9:31)


3. The gospel goes forth in Palestine-Syria (9:32-12:24)


4. Missionary journey #1 and the council at Jerusalem (12:25-16:5)


5. Enlarging the impact: Missionary journeys #2 and #3 (16:6-19:20)


6. From Jerusalem to Rome (19:21-28:31)

The characteristics of the early church

• Unity of heart and mind (v. 32a)

• Generosity to those in need (vv. 32b, 34)

• Power in Christian witness (v. 33)

Explain centripetal and centrifugal outreach

• Centrifugal witness reaches out aggressively beyond the borders of the church to bring the gospel to an unbelieving world


• Centripetal witness draws people to individual believers and to the community of faith

4 believer's mindsets in the face of persecution

1. They call out to the ‘Sovereign Lord” (v. 24)


2. They acknowledge his greatness as Creator of all things (v. 24)


3. They affirm that this opposition is a part of God’s plan (vv. 25-26)


4. They link the opposition they experienced with the opposition Jesus suffered (vv. 27-28)

4 functions of “signs and wonders” in the ministry of the apostles and others in Acts

1. “accredits” the speaker—demonstrating to his audience that he is sent by God and empowered by Him


2. grants the speaker boldness


3. people pay attention to the preaching of the gospel


4. confirms the truth to some people in the audience

Difference between “Hebraic Jews” and “Grecian Jews”

1. Hebraic Jews = born in Jerusalem, spoke Aramaic (& Greek)

2. Grecian (Hellenistic) = Jews who were born in or grew up in the Diaspora who spoke primarily Greek

3 main points of Stephen’s message

- Land - Stephen opposes “a veneration of the Holy Land that would leave no room for God’s further saving activity in Jesus” (Longenecker, 339) 

- beyond the borders of the land -


Law - Stephen affirms that the law pointed to Jesus as its consummation and goal -


Temple - Stephen teaches that God’s presence and His work cannot be confined to one place

- He emphasizes the importance of the tabernacle, which was mobile, as opposed to the Temple (7:44-47) - He stresses that God’s presence and His work is much bigger than the Temple (7:48-53)

Historical background of the conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans

- Separation of 10 tribes from Judah & Benjamin

- Assyrians conquered Samaritans, scattered them

- Intermarried

- Samaritans opposed rebuilding the Temple, built their own temple

Major stumbling blocks for Jewish people

1 Teachers were unordained nobodies, not rabbis – lay people

2. Message was an affront to Judaism – it wasn’t easy for Jews to see a carpenter as the culmination of their prophecy/as their Messiah

3. Christian ecclesiology scrapped temple and sacrifices

major stumbling blocks for Gentiles

1. Religious position Atheism – they did not add Roman deities to their religion


2. Social life

 - Social misfits, objected the majority of Roman culture


3. Family Life Difficulty meshing life-styles


4. Intellectual scrutiny

 - Roman contempt for Eastern religions

 - Great ridicule of Christian beliefs

 - Jesus a lowly figure

Luke’s background and ministry

1. Doctor, historian

2. Companion of Paul

3. Associate of Mark

4. Gentile Christian


1. Humble

2. Professional

a. writing

3. Missionary concern

4. Care for disadvantaged people

5. Prayer and praise

6. Loyal

7. Spiritual expectancy

8. Theologian of salvation

Characteristics of Luke’s friends and associates

1. unqualified lay-people – had functions but no class


2. had no backing – kept them mobile, honest


3. international and cross-cultural


4. cohesive – unified cause, goal


5. very mobile –not burdened by possessions, etc.

Describe briefly what the early disciples were trying to achieve when they called for conversion--which we can gather from the case of Saul of Tarsus.

1. a newly sensitized conscience with a tendency now towards repentance


2. a rudimentary understanding of who Jesus is and what he achieved for us


3. a determination to surrender our will to him


4. a changed life which flows from that encounter with Christ

The content of the message of the early Christians.

1. adopted a flexible approach

a. addressed mind

b. addressed heart

c. challenged conscience


2. concentrated on the person of Jesus

a. fulfillment

b. the man

c. crucified

d. risen

e. reigning

f. contemporary


3. they offered a gift

a. forgiveness

b. the Holy Spirit


4. they expected a response – both cognitive and volition of the will

Summarize briefly the connection between the concept of “the Servant” in Acts 8:32-33 and its relationship between “the Servant” in the book of Isaiah.

The Servant in Acts 8:32-33 and Isaiah 53:7-8

• The Righteous Remnant; suffers on behalf of the whole nation of Israel

• Jesus; suffers for our sins

• The Church; suffers in fulfilling its mission of preaching the gospel


The heart of the concept

• The servant is the one whose righteousness is ultimately crushed so that mercy might graciously be offered to others


Contrast briefly the “two stage initiation” in the Spirit of Roman Catholicism and Classic Pentecostalism with the “one stage initiation” in the Spirit


1. Two-Stage Initiation - Christian initation in two stages - 1) conversion and 2) the recieving of the Spirit.

- Catholicism

1. Baptism

2. Confirmation by a bishop (successor of the apostles)

- Pentacostalism

1. Conversion (human turn of repentence and faith) & regeneration (divine work of new birth)

2. Baptism in or of the Spirit (often associated with laying on of hands)


2. One-Stage Initiation - we recieve forgiveness and the Spirit together the moment we believe

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