Abdominal Musculature
Rectus Abdominis |
Origin - Pubic symphysis of the pelvis.
Insertion - Ribs 5-7. Xiphoid process of the sternum.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates spinal extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
Abdominal Musculature
External Oblique |
Origin - External surface of ribs 4-12.
Insertion - Anterior iliac crest of the pelvis, linea alba, and contralateral rectus sheaths.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and contralateral rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates spinal extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
Abdominal Musculature
Transversus Abdominis |
Origin - Ribs 7-12, anterior two thirds of the iliac crest of the pelvis, and thoracolumbar fascia.
Insertion - Lineae alba and contralateral rectus sheaths.
Isolated Function - Increases intra-abdominal pressure. Supports the abdominal viscera.
Integrated Function - Isometrically stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
Abdominal Musculature
Diaphragm |
Origin - Costal part: inner surfaces of the cartilages and adjacent bony regions of ribs 6-12. Sternal part: posterior side of the xiphoid process. Crural (lumbar) part: (1) two aponeurotic arches cover the external surfaces of the quadratus lumboru and psoas major; external surface of the quadratus lumborum and psoas major; (2) right and left crus, originating from the bodies of L1-L3 and their intervertebral disks.
Insertion - Central tendon.
Isolated Function - Concentrically pulls the central tendon inferiorly, increasing the volume in the thoracic cavity.
Integrated Function - Stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
Abdominal Musculature
Internal Obliques |
Origin - Anterior tow thirds of the iliac crest of the pelvis and thoracolumnbar fascia.
Insertion - Ribs 9-12, linea alba, and contralateral rectus sheaths.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates spinal extension, rotation, and lateral flexion. Isometrically stabilizes the lubmo-pelvic-hip complex.