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8th grade review
8th grade review
8th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





What main issue did the Great Compromise settle?

a. the addition of a bill of rights

b. whether to revise the Articles of Confederation or create a new constitution

c. the banning of the slave trade

d. the form of legislature and how representation would be determined


d. the form of legislature and how representation would be determined


What was the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

a. the inability to establish western and policies

b. the inability to elect delegates to congress

c.the inability to force british troops to withdraw from American soil

d. all of above


d. all of above


In creating the constitution, What idea did the framers take from the magna carta?

a. the concept of a blill of rights

b. the idea that the law-making body should have some control over the executive

c. the concept of natural rights

d. the concept of science as a means to improve society


b. the idea that the law-making body should have some control over the executive


Which is a right guaranteed by the constitution?

a. freedom of voting

b. the right to make money

c. the right to serve in congress

d. freedom of speech


d. freedom of speech


what important event took place in the summer of 1787?

a. the constitution convention

b. the American Revolution

c. Shay's rebellion

d. the signing of the declaration of independence


a. the constitution convention


Which effect of the Great Awakening had a later impact on the rise of revolutionary fervor?

a. For the first time, colonists felt thay had a right to religious freedom

b.For the first time, colonists were untitled for a common cause

c. For the first time, colonistscould vote for there leaders

d. For the first time, colonists felt a deeper sense of faith


b.For the first time, colonists were untitled for a common cause



The ideas of________influenced the wirting of the Declaration of Independence.

a. Jonathan Edwards

b. Roger Williams

c. William Penn

d. John Locke


d. John Locke


What effect did the American Revolution have on France?

a. It turned the french and Americans into enemies

b. It encouraged the start of thr French Revolution

c. It led france to free its American Colonists

d. It inspired many French people to learn English

b. It encouraged the start of thr French Revolution



Virgina's House of Burgesses was patterned after

a. English Parliament

b. U.S. Congress

c. Greneral Court

d. Puritan congregation


a. English Parliament


Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, Believed that

a. Only American colonists should fight in the American Revolution

b. Monarchy was the best form of government

c. People have the right to form an new nation

d. John Locke's View on natural rights was wrong


c. People have the right to form an new nation


Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion both arose as a result of

a. anit-British feelings

b. Federalists protests

c. Native American Attacks

d. new taxes


d. new taxes


Which state was part of the Northwest Territory?

a. Pennsylvania

b. Iowa

c. Kentucky

d. Ohio


d. Ohio



What view did Alexander Hamilton hold about the states' war debt?

a. The states should be responsible for paying back the debt themselves

b. The country should not pay  back the money it owed other nations

c. The national governemnt should pay the states' debt

d. The states should borrow money from the National Bank to pay their debts

c. The national government should pay the states' debts

“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the later.”

- Thomas Jefferson


In the excerpt above, to which individual freedom is Jefferson referring?


a.      freedom of press

b.      freedom of religion

c.      freedom of assembly

d.      freedom to petition

a.      freedom of press

Eli Whitney aided Southern agriculture through his invention of the           

a. steel plow           

b. steam boat           

c. cotton gin           

d. textile loom

c. cotton gin

The Ordinance of 1785 divided government lands in the west into units six miles wide and six miles long called           


a. sections           

 b. townships           

c. states           

d. ranges

b. townships

How did Nat Turner try to resist slavery?           

a. by running away           

b. by leading a rebellion in Virginia           

c. by forming the Underground Railroad           

d. by forming a secret abolitionist group

b. by leading a rebellion in Virginia

The largest group of Southern whites, farmers who did not own slaves, was known as           


a. yeomen           

b. planters           

c. tenant farmers           

d. overseers

a. yeomen

 The cotton gin led farmers to produce more cotton because it           

a. formed bales of cotton faster than could be done by hand           

b. created furrows in the soil that made cotton planting easier           

c. harvested the cotton so it no longer hand to be done by hand

d. removed seeds from cotton fibers much more quickly than could be done by hand

d. removed seeds from cotton fibers much more quickly than could be done by hand

The laws that Southern states enacted to control enslaved people were called           


a. spirituals           

b. overseers           

c. slave codes           

d. shackles

c. slave codes

In 1803, the United States doubled its size as a result of           


a. Oregon Territory           

b. Indiana Territory           

c. Louisiana Territory           

d. New Mexico Territory

c. Louisiana Territory

What happened as a result of the Louisiana Purchase?


a. Fearing the U.S. would want its land holdings in North America, the Spanish declared war

b. President Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new territory

c. Great Britain and the U.S. signed a treaty settling the territory’s northern border

d. Because they opposed the purchase, the federalists seceded from the Union

b. President Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new territory

Who said in his inaugural address, “We are all republicans.  We are all federalists.”     


a. George Washington     

b. Thomas Jefferson     

c. James Madison     

d. Alexander Hamilton

b. Thomas Jefferson

Washington Irving was a well known     


a. writer of tales involving the American West     

b. printer of Native Americans     

c. architect who designed the government buildings of Washington D.C.     

d. author who set his tales in rural New York


d. author who set his tales in rural New York

The uniquely American songs, “ My Old Kentucky Home” and “ Swanee River” were written by
a. Stephen Foster
b. George Caleb Bingham
c. James Fenimore Cooper
d. Natty Bumpo
a. Stephen Foster
What British practice led to the U.S. declaration of war in 1812?
a. arming Native Americans in Florida
b. blockading major seaports along the East coast
c. impressing native born and naturalized citizens
d. seizing American forts on the frontier
      c. impressing native born and naturalized citizens
“The American constituents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered subjects for future colonization by any European powers…”
This quote is taken from the
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Monroe Doctrine
c. Mexican Cession
d. U.S. Constitution
b.      Monroe Doctrine
Which American commander in the War of 1812 led naval forces around the Great Lakes?
a. Andrew Jackson
b. George Prevost
c. Anthony Wayne
d. Oliver Hazard Perry
d. Oliver Hazard Perry
What was one consequence of the War of 1812?
a. U.S. acquisition of British owned Florida
b. The retreat of British from Canada
c. Decreased trade between U.S. and Britain
d. increased U.S. nationalism
d. increased U.S. nationalism
Why did the Battle of New Orleans take place even though the War of 1812 had already ended?

a. News of the peace treaty had not yet reached the U.S.

b. British soldiers refused to accept the peace treaty and attacked American forces

c. Andrew Jackson was seeking to become a war hero and promote his future political career

d. The federalists encouraged the battle in hopes of damaging Republican leaders in Congress
a. News of the peace treaty had not yet reached the U.S.
What is one effect the Industrial Revolution had on the Northeast?
a. Towns and cities grew rapidly
b. The people in the Northeast turned away
from the capitalist economic system
c. more people left cities to work on farms
d. The cottage industry grew
a. Towns and cities grew rapidly
Why did many Irish immigrants come to the U.S. in the mid- 1800s?

a. They wanted to escape religious persecution

b. A democratic revolution had failed in Ireland
c. a new anti- Catholic political party forced them to flee Ireland

d. The failure of the potato crop caused widespread famine in Ireland
d. The failure of the potato crop caused widespread famine in Ireland
Which women’s rights leaders organized the Seneca Falls Convention?
a. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Blackwell
b. Mary Lyon and Lucretia Mott
c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
d. Emily Dickenson and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
Which event could be considered the first important step in introducing the Industrial Revolution in the U.S.?

a. Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

b. Samuel Slater builds a cotton mill in Rhode Island

c. Sarah G. Bagley founds a female trade union

d. Francis Cabot Lowell opens a textile plant in Massachusetts
b. Samuel Slater builds a cotton mill in Rhode Island
“At this time I had learned to do a spinners work, and I obtained permission to tend some frames that stood directly in front of the river windows,… extending half the length of the mill.”

The person who spoke the quote above was most likely

a. member of the women’s rights movement
b. temperance reformer
c. steamboat operator
d. factory worker
d.      factory worker
How did the Missouri Compromise prevent a sectional crisis on the issue of slavery?

a. It let Missouri voters decide whether to allow slavery

b. It allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state

c. It prohibited slavery in any lands west of the Mississippi River

d. It abolished the slave trade in Washington D.C.
b. It allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state
Who proposed the series of measures known as the Great Compromise?
a. Henry Clay
b. Daniel Webster
c. Steen A. Douglas
d. John C. Calhoun
      a. Henry Clay
Who was known as the “Moses of the people”?
a. Angelina Grimke
b. Harriet Beecher Stowe
c. Bridget Mason
d. Harriet Tubman
d. Harriet Tubman
What impact did the Dred Scott decision have on the slavery issue?

a. It settled the debate over slavery for more than 20 years

b. It divided the nation over slavery even more

c. It convinced the North to threaten secession from the Union

d. It caused the president to impeach the chief justice
b. It divided the nation over slavery even more
The concept of popular sovereignty, allowing the people of a territory to decide on the issue of slavery, was introduced in the
a. Dred Scott decision
b. Compromise of 1850
c. Kansas- Nebraska Act
d. Free Soil Party’s campaign platform
b. Compromise of 1850
What were the starting and ending points of the trail of Tears?

a. began in Florida and ended in the Indian Territory

b. began in Georgia and ended in Florida

c. began in Illinois and ended in the West

d. began in Georgian and ended in the Indian Territory
d. began in Georgian and ended in the Indian Territory
_____________ was a key feature in the 1828 presidential election and became a permanent part of American politics.
a. the absence of political parties
b. Mudslinging
c. the argument for state’s rights
d. the use of nominating conventions
b. Mudslinging
After Texas gained its independence from Mexico, it
a. asked to be annexed into the U.S.
b. outlawed slavery
c. created the Bear Flag Republic
d. declared war against the U.S.
a. asked to be annexed into the U.S.
The belief that the U.S. should extend its boundaries from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean was called
a. Fifty-four forty
b. the Great Migration
c. Manifest Destiny
d. Oregon Fever
c. Manifest Destiny
With the Gadsden Purchase, the U.S. gained more land in what is today
a. Arizona and New Mexico
b. Oregon
c. Texas and Oklahoma
d. California
a. Arizona and New Mexico
What event marked the beginning of the Civil War?

a. the Union army’s invasion of Virginia

b. President Lincoln’s announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation

c. the South’s attack on Fort Sumter

d. Lincoln’s election as president

      c. the South’s attack on Fort Sumter

Which of the following battles was an important victory for the Union in the East?
a. First Battle of Bull Run
b. Battle of Antietam
c. Battle of Fredericksburg
d. Battle if Chancellorsville
b. Battle of Antietam
How did Lincoln respond to the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run?

a. ordered a nave blockade of the Southern coastline

b. tried to negotiate peace with the South

c. asked Robert E. Lee to command the Union armies

d. signed bills requesting more than 1 million soldiers for the Union
d. signed bills requesting more than 1 million soldiers for the Union
What were the Border States?

a. the states that bordered Washington D.C.

b. states that refused to take sides in the Civil War

c. states that allowed slavery but stayed in the Union

d. stated that bordered the Mississippi River
c. states that allowed slavery but stayed in the Union
What effect did the war have on the South?

a. about 2/3 of the South’s transportation system was ruined

b. more than 600,000 Southern soldiers died

c. the South’s state governments freed all enslaved people

d. the South elected a new Confederate president
a. about 2/3 of the South’s transportation system was ruined
"The South must be broken up and re-laid, or all our blood and treasure have been spent in vain.”
Which group of political leaders may have made the statement above during the discussion of reconstruction?
a. former Confederate governors
b. Southern Democrats
c. Northern Copperheads
d. Radical Republicans

d.       Radical Republicans

The 15th amendment

a. prohibited the state and federal governments from denying the right to vote to any male citizen based on race or former servitude

b. abolished slavery

c. ended Reconstruction

d. set up black codes

a. prohibited the state and federal governments from denying the right to vote to any male citizen based on race or former servitude

One of the main goals of Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction was to

a. punish the South

b. prevent former confederates from holding office

c. allow Southern states to choose when to abolish slavery

d. heal the nation
d. heal the nation
What did white Southerners use to keep African Americans from voting?
a. decision
b. grandfather clauses
c. literacy tests
d. the bayonet rule
b. grandfather clauses
The Reconstruction Act of 1867 received the full support of
a. President Andrew Johnson
b. the Radical Republicans
c. President Abraham Lincoln
d. former confederate leaders
b. the Radical Republicans
What did the U.S. government provide to encourage the construction of the transcontinental railroad?
a. government workers
b. land grants
c. cash bribes
d. supplies of iron and steel
b. land grants
“It is … a car which anyone could afford to buy which anyone could drive anywhere, and which almost anyone could keep in repair.”

The quote above refers to a new development by
a. George Pullman
b. Thomas Edison
c. Gustavus Swift
d. Henry Ford

d.       Henry Ford

Which man transformed Standard Oil into a monopoly?
a. John D. Rockefeller
b. Cornelius Vanderbilt
c. Leland Stanford
d. Andrew Carnegie
a. John D. Rockefeller
Samuel Gompers led the association of trade unions known as the
a. International Ladies Garment Workers Union
b. Knights of Labor
c. American Federation of Labor
d. American Railway Union
c. American Federation of Labor
Which group was part of the wave of new immigrants who began to arrive in the U.S. in the later 1800s?
a. English
b. Italians
c. Germans
d. Irish
b. Italians
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