Shared Flashcard Set


7GEOG landscapes and water
Sediment Transport
Undergraduate 1

Additional Geography Flashcards




why do we study sediment transport?

beause this is the suite of processes that form river channels and adjacent floodplains, because this is what controls fluvial (river-associated) erosion and deposition, and to understand how sediment moves through rivers to the sea


there are practical questions to answer like how dam construction or dam removal will alter a channel or how long before a reservoir will fill with sediment

there are also questions of intrinsic interest like how dunes migrate on river beds, what controls the details of the stratigraphy of fluvial sedimentary rocks, or what can be learned about ancient fluvial environments from the sediments left behind

how does flowing warter move sediment?
the flow exerts a shear stress on the bed of the river. this stress produces a force on each sediment particle, called the  drag force. if the drag force on the sediment particle exceeds the force resisting motion (mostly weight) then the particle moves
what is shear stress?

the force that is exerted parallel to a surface, rather than normal (prependicular) to a sruface. a brick sitting on a table exerts a normal stress (or forc) down on the table due to its weight. if you push the brick across the table, it also exerts a shear stress on the table that can do work on the table (like scratch it)

water in a river exerts a shear stress on the bed because of the difference in velocity between water right at the bed (velocity - 0) and the velocity at some point above the bed (greater than 0)

what are the trhee phases to sediment transport by rivers?

1. entrainment - getting a particle to begin moving

2. transport - the movement of a particle once it is entrained

3. deposition - the particle comes to rest

how does Entrainment begin to move a particle?

water exerts a drag force (Fd) on a particle on the river bed

the particle will be dislodged from the bed when Fd is large enough to pivod (torque) the particle out of its pocket on the bed (exeeding the torque pulling it back into the pocket)

the restoring torque that acts to rotate the particle back into the pocket is from the weight of the particle (Fg)


Where does the drag force arise from?

it arises from (and is proportional to) the shear stress exerted by the flowing water


sheer stress is usually represented as T (tau)

at the bed of the river is easy to compute as

T =pgDS

where T= tau, p=density of water, g=acceleration due to gravity, D=depth of water, S=water surface slope


what does the equation T=psDS tell us about shear stress?
it increases with water depth (D) and with water surface slope (S)
why do we think of sediment transport as a "threshold" process?

because it switches ON above a particular sheer stress



what is teh critical sheer stress?

the shear stress at which a particle will move


it dpends on the particle grain size - the bigger the particle the greater the sheer stress to be entrained

what is the 'no slip' condition?
where the flow has no foreward velocity, occurs in water right at the bed of a stream
how does water velocity change based on hight in the flow?
the higher in the flow, the more velocity the water has
what is the velocity gradient?
the change in velocity with distance above the bed
what is the relationship between sheer stress at teh bed and the velocity gradient?
they are proportional
Describe a Hjulstrom curve and how it explains the relationship between erosion, transportation, deposition, and the entrainment threshold

the line for the entrainment threshold is fuzzy because the velocity at which entrainment occurs depends on the geometry of the pocket where a particle sits and the sheer stress exerted by the water

at velocities below the line, the grain will not be entrained by the flow, at velocities above the line, the grain will be entrained by the flow


the entrainment threshold flow does not uniformly increase with grain size

there is high shear stress for intrainment in silt and clay b/c they are cohesive, so both weight and cohesion have to be hovercome by the shear stress

REMEMBER: entrainment does not occur for any velocity/grain size combination that falls below the entrainment threshold curve


What does the distance of transport depend on?
the grain size of the sediment and the caracteristics of teh flow in the river channel
at what velocities can sediment remain in transport?

many velocities including those lower than that required to entrain it


fine grain sized sediment (silt, clay) does not deposit until the water is nearly motionless - even though it took higher velocities to get it wafted up into the channel to begin with


in contrast, pebbles or larger material only move in very short steps, the particles are entrained and deposited over and over again in their trip down stream

What are the three modes of transport by rivers?

1. bedload

2. suspended load

3. dissolved load

Describe bedload

frequent contact with river bed

move more slowly than water itself

includes grains that roll, slide, saltate


(saltation =a process where grains hop along the bed. the grain ejects from the bed and then has an arcing trajectory back to the bed)

describe suspended load

grains in suspension, moving with the water

stay suspended in flow b/c turbulent eddies keep them afloat against the tendency to settle back to the bed

carried at nearly the speed of water itself

what makes rivers look muddy

suspended sediment = generally fine grained (silts and clay) but in estreme flows, gravel and larger sizes can be suspended

describe tthe dissolved load
not solid material, but dissolved materials carried by river water that was produced in chemical weathering reactions
What is the total material load of a river?

 bedload+suspended load+dissolved load


in some rivers the dissolved load (the mass in solution) is greater than the sediment load. in most rivers the suspended load is greater than the bedload. (bedload is hard to measure so we often assume that bedload is 1/10 of the suspended load)

how does sediment within a river vary?
in both concentration (how much there is) and grain size with distance above the bed of river
How is sediment distributed in the water column?

bedload and suspended load are found close to the bed of the river; the bedload portion = coarse grained


higher in the water column only the suspended material is found, which is finer than the material at the bed


material in true suspension is found at uniform concentrations throughout the water column, so a plot of sediment concentration as a function of depth in the flow tends to show a strong decline with height above the bed down to a constant concentration[image]

Describe deposition

bedload is generally just barely moving (hopping, sliding, rolling along bed) so it is deposited whenever the sediment moves into a place where shear stress at the bed is reduced (dune, bar, big rock, shallower water, stream less steep, flow stage declines after rainstorm)


coarse bedload material deposited into flowing water, but in places where flow is too small to get particle to be entrained again


suspended load is carried with the water, deposited only where water slows down significantly or becomes still (as in a lake)

what are bedforms?
ripples and mounds that are built and translate (migrate) along the river bed as a result of the non-uniform movement of sediment in the river
what are ripples?
small repeated ridges of sediment, with wavelength (distance from crest to crest) of 0.6m or less, height less than 4cm
what are dunes?
larger, and more variable than ripples. with a wavelength of 4-8 times teh flow depth, and a height up to 1/3 of the flow depth
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