Shared Flashcard Set


1. Fundamentals of Computer Systems
Considerations when Creating Computer Systems
Computer Science
10th Grade

Additional Computer Science Flashcards






When a designer is creating a computer system, what do they also need to take into account in addition to the creation of the actual system?



System requirements, the money available and the timescales it has to be produced in.
There are also legal, ethical and environmental considerations that will affect the system’s design.



What is


The Data Protection Act



The Data Protection Act says that anyone who stores personal details must keep them secure.
Companies with computer systems that store any personal data must have processes and security mechanisms designed into the system to meet this requirement.



What is:


The Health and Safety at Work Act



The Health and Safety at Work Act makes employers responsible for their staff. Design considerations should provide appropriate working conditions for staff. Designers shouldconsider how easy systems will be to use and any health implications there might be based on their choices of software, screen layout, input methods and the hardware used.


What is:



The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act



The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act makes it illegal to use software without buying theappropriate licenses. When a computer system is designed and implemented licensing must be
considered in terms of which software should be used. Is Open Source the way to go or is the cost of proprietary software worth it in the long run?




List 5 examples of the style of questions you could ask when faced with an ETHICAL consideration.


Some examples are:

  • Is it fair that some people cannot afford computers?
  • Are countries like India being exploited as a source of cheap labour for call centres and for programming?
  • Should companies use local programmers and call centres?
  • Does the system design disadvantage some part of the community?
  • Does the system design promote accessibility for all?



What is an Ethical consideration?




Ethical considerations are all about fairness. When creating a computer system a company should consider fairness. For example, this may impact where call centres are located and where programming work is done.




What do we mean by an Environmental Consideration?


Environmental issues include the carbon footprint and waste products that result from manufacturing computer systems but this is often outweighed by the positive effects on the environment of using computerised systems to manage processes that might otherwise generate more pollution.



Give at least 3 examples of Environmental Considerations.


Examples of Environmental Considerations can include:


  • Does a computer system mean that people can work from home and therefore drive less?
  • Does a computer system mean more manufacturing?
  • Is working at home more environmentally friendly than everyone working in a big office, in terms of heating and lighting?

Do computermanaged engines work more efficiently so produce less pollution and use less fuel?

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