Shared Flashcard Set


8th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Command of ___ armies given to ___ March __ 1864. The appointment of ___ strengthens the ___'s military potential.
Union Grant
Grant Union
Most recently at a battle called The ___, the outnumbered ____ force had an advantage in a country with thick ____. The battle of The ___ was confusing and vicious with the woods catching ____ incinerating many wounded men. The high numbers of ____ suffered by the army of the Potomac caused a retreat. But the same 2 armies met again near ___ from May _ to May _.
Wilderness, Confederate
Vegetation, Wilderness
fire, casualties Spottsylvania
8, 19
___ nominated for second term ___ _ 1864.
Delegates to the National Union Convention assembled in Baltimore and renominated ____ _____, nearly _____, for president.
Mostly Republicans but with some war democrats the delegates overlooked first term vice president Hannibal Hamlin and chose instead ____ ____ military governor of ____ as ___'s running mate.
Lincoln June 9
Lincoln unanimously
Andrew Johnson
Tennessee Lincoln's
The party's platform includes putting down the ____ rebellion and a constitutional amendment ending ___. President ___ has the support of his party to continue his mission to ___ the country
Confederate slavery
Lincoln reunite
____ draft expanded June ___ 1864. The __ Congress in Richmond has authority drafting ___ between the ages of __ and __ for military service. It is estimated that ___ under this new law will account for nearly ___-__ of the total ___ armies in the trying months ahead.
Confederate 10
men 17 50
Conscripts one-third Confederate
___ captures key port in ___ ___ August 15
The victory at ____ ____ by Admiral ____ ____ displayed once more the ___ superiority at sea. With the port __ the ___ will now lay siege to the city of ___.
___ gave his sailors the memorable command, " ___ the ___ --full __ __" Another key victory moves the ___ forces closer to ___, ___
David Farragut Mobile Bay
Mobile Bay
Admiral David Farragut
Union closed Union
Mobile David Farragut
Damn the torpedoes full steam ahead
Union Atlanta Georgia
___ choose ___ to face ___ in the election.
__ will face one of his generals, ____ , in the fall.
Democrats McClellan vs Lincoln
Lincoln McClellan
___ captures ___ September 2nd. Another nail was driven into the ___ coffin when General ____ _'s ____ __ troops occupied the key southern city ____, ____. This victory comes on the heels of ___'s ___ ___ victory only weeks before. It has indeed lifted the spirits of a war-weary __. When Rebel forces evacuated the city on September _, ___ , after ____ the city for days occupied it the next day
Sherman Atlanta
General William T. Sherman's Union
Atlanta, Georgia
David Farragut Mobile Bay
Union September 1st Sherman shelling
____ _ 1864 President ___ is re-elected. ___, the ___ of ___ party candidate, received __ Electoral Votes while ___, ___'s formal general, garnered only __, carrying ___, ___, and __ __. In the popular vote __ pulled more than _._ million votes to _._ million for ___. __ beat ___ in the military vote: ___k to __k.
The president will be ___ for a second term on ___, _ 1865.
November 8 Lincoln.
Lincoln Republican of Union party
212 McClellan, Lincoln's 21
Deleware Kentucky New Jersey
Lincoln 2.3 - 1.8 McClellan. Lincoln McClellan 116k to 33k. inaugurated March 4
November __ 1864 ___'s troops begin march through ___. Calculated to bring __ and the __ itself to the ___ population of ___ as he tried to gain the port of ____. By December, General _____ _. ___ and his ___ troops have left ___ and are on a march to the sea. As Federal troops left ___ in flames, the __k strong force has been ordered to destroy ___ and lay ___ to everything that might help the South continue the war.
15 Sherman's Georgia.
fear war civilian
Georgia Savannah
General Willian T. Sherman
Atlanta Atlanta 60,000
property waste
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