Shared Flashcard Set


00RespMeds NSNA, Lilley, ATI, Davis
Undergraduate 3

Additional Nursing Flashcards





which satement by a client's mother best indicates her understanding of the use of cromolyn sodium

  • i will have him take this medication during an asthma attack
  • i will open the capsule and dilute it in juice
  • i will tell him to take a puff of medication upon exhalation
  • i will have him use this medication to prevent asthma attacks
i will have him use this medication to prevent asthma attacks

which adverse effect should a client mother be alert for when administering theophylline

  • drowsiness
  • irritability and restlessnes
  • constipation
  • bradycardia
irritability and restlessnes

which of the following fluids should be avoided while taking theophylline

  • gingerale
  • apple juice
  • hot chocolate
  • milk
hot chocolate

the client's mother asks the nurse the purpose of offering theophylline. what is the nurse's best response

  • this drug decreases inflammation in the bronchi
  • theophylline's antihistamine effect will counteract bronchospasm
  • this drug will help to facilitate removal of secretions
  • theophylline dilates the bronchial tree and will make breathing easier
theophylline dilates the bronchial tree and will make breathing easier

what would the nurse teach the client to do to lessen the sedation effects of antihistamines

  • increase caffeine intake during the day
  • take the antihistaimine when going to bed
  • take the antihistamine with a viatmin
  • have a 2 hour nap in the norming and aftrnoon
take the antihistaimine when going to bed

what is an adverse effect that is seen more often in children than adults who are taking antihistamines

  • dizziness
  • dry mucous membranes
  • constipation
  • CNS excitement
CNS excitement

which of the following should be available for clients receiving acetylcysteine

  • a glass of water
  • tracheostomy set up
  • suction set up
  • room deodorizer
suction set up

which of the following points should be made regarding guaifenesin by the nurse

  • guaifenesin has a high incidence of adverse effects
  • increase fluid intake to help liquefy and and loosen secretions while taking guaifenesin
  • guaifenesin has a high alcohol content
  • this drug can cause blood glucose level to rise
increase fluid intake to help liquefy and and loosen secretions while taking guaifenesin

in which situation would the use of an antitussive be inappropriate

  • the client's cough is interfering with eating meals
  • the client's cough is associated with a suppurative lung disorder
  • the client's cough is the source of a complication such as a rib fracture
  • the client's cough is irritating to the respiratory tract
the client's cough is associated with a suppurative lung disorder

which adverse effect is associated with the use of high doses of codeine as an antitussive

  • diarrhea
  • nasal congestion
  • respiratory depression
  • skin rash
respiratory depression

when assessing a patient who is to receive a decongestant, the nurse will recogniaze that a potential contraindicatoin to this drug would be

  • glaucoma
  • fever
  • ulcer disease
  • allergic rhinitis

when giving decongestants, the nurse must remember that these drugs have alpha adenergic stimulating effects that may result in

  • fever
  • bradycardia
  • hypertension
  • CNS depression

the nurse is reviewing a patient's medication orders for prn medications that can be given to a patient who has bronchitis with a productive cough. which drug should the nurse choose

  • an antitussive
  • an expectorant
  • an antihistamine
  • a decongestant
an expectorant

the nurse knows that an antitussive cough medication would be the best choice for which patient

  • a patient with a productive cough
  • a patient with chronic paranasal sinusitis
  • a patient who has had recent abdominal surgery
  • a patient who has influenza
a patient who has had recent abdominal surgery

a patient is taking a decongestant to help reduce symptoms of a cold. whe nurse should instruct the patient to observe for which possible symptom, which may indicate an adverse effect of this drug

  • increased cough
  • dry mouth
  • slower heart rate
  • heart palpitations
heart palpitations

the nurse is giving an antihistamine and will observe the patient for which side effects. select all that apply

  • hypertension
  • dizziness
  • hangover effect
  • drowsiness
  • tachycardia
  • dry mouth
  • dizziness
  • hangover effect
  • drowsiness
  • dry mouth

a patient who has a history of asthma is experiencing an acute episode of shortness of breath and needs to take a medication for immediate relief. which medication will the nurse choose for this situation

  • a beta agonist such as albuterol
  • an antileukotriene such as montelukast
  • a corticosteroid such as fluticasone
  • an anticholinergic such as ipratropium
a beta agonist such as albuterol

after a nebulizer treatment of the beta agonist albuterol, the patient complains of feeling a little shaky with slight tremors of the hands. his heart rate is 98, increased from the pretreatment rate of 88. the nurse knows that this reaction is an

  • expected adverse effect of the medication
  • allergic reaction to the medication
  • indication that he has received an overdose of the medication
  • idiosyncratic reaction to the medication
expected adverse effect of the medication

a patient has been receiving an aminophylline (xanthine derivative) infusion for 24 hours. the nurse will expect to see which adverse effect when assessing the patient during the infusion

  • CNS depression
  • sinus tachycardia
  • increased appetite
  • temporary urinary retention
sinus tachycardia

during a teaching session for a patient who will be receiving a new prescription for the LTR montelukast (Singulair) the nurse should tell the patient that the drug has which therapeutic effect

  • improves the respiratory drive
  • loosens and reomves thickened secretions
  • reduces inflammation in the airway
  • stimulates immediate bronchodilation
reduces inflammation in the airway

after the patient takes a dose of inhaled corticosteroid such as fluticasone, what is the most important action the patient should do next

  • hold the breath for 60 seconds
  • rinse out the mouth with water
  • follow the corticosteroid with a bronchodialtor inhaler, if order
  • repeat the dose in 15 minutes if the patient feels short of breath
rinse out the mouth with water

the nurse is teaching a patient who is starting antituburcular therapy with rifampin. whihch adverse effects would the nurse expect to see

  • headahce and neck pain
  • glaucoma and gynecomastia
  • reddish brown urine
  • numbness of tingling of extremities
reddish brown urine

during antitubercular therapy with isoniazid the patient received another prescription for pyridoxine. which statement by the nurse best explains the rationale for this second medication

  • this vitamin will help improve your energy levels
  • this helps to prevent neurologic adverse effects
  • it works to protect your heart from toxic effects
  • this drug works to reduce gastrointestinal adverse effects
this helps to prevent neurologic adverse effects

when the nurse is counseling a woman who is beginning antitubercular therapy with rifampin, which statement by the nurse is most important regarding potential drug interations

  • if you are taking birth control pills you will need to switch to another form of birth control
  • you birth control pills will remain effective while you are taking rifampin
  • you will need to switch to a stronger form of oral contraceptive while taking rifampin
  • you can take the birth control pills with the rifampin without problems, but it may cuase your urine to turn reddish orange
if you are taking birth control pills you will need to switch to another form of birth control

when counseling a patient who has been newly diagnosed wih TB the nurse should make sure that the patient realize that he or she is contagious

  • during all phases of the illnes
  • any time up to 18 months after therapy begins
  • during the postictal phase of TB
  • during the inital period of the illness and its diagnosis
during the inital period of the illness and its diagnosis

while monitoring a patient the nurse knows that a therapeutic response to antitubercular drugs would be

  • the patient states that he or she is feeling much better
  • the patient laboratory test results show a lower white blood cell count
  • the patient reports a decrease in cough and night sweats
  • there is a decrase in symptoms, along with improed chest radiograph and sputum culture results
there is a decrase in symptoms, along with improed chest radiograph and sputum culture results

the nurse is monitoring for liver toxicity in a patient who has been receiving long-terms isoniazid therapy. manifestations of liver toxicity include. select all that apply

  • orange discoloration of sweat and tears
  • darkened urine
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • visual disturbances
  • jaundice
  • darkened urine
  • fatigue
  • jaundice

a nurse is providing teaching to a client with asthma about how to use cromolyn (Intal). which of the following should the nurse include in her teaching. select all that apply

  • take the medication 15 min before exercising
  • follow a fixed-dosage schedule for long-term control of asthma
  • expect to lose weight while taking this medication
  • observe for adverse effects such as tremors, restlessness, and palpitations
  • do not crush or chew tablets
  • take the medication 15 min before exercising
  • follow a fixed-dosage schedule for long-term control of asthma

which of the following instructions should be given to a client who has been prescribed albuterol and beclomethasone dipropionate inhalers for the control of asthma

  • alternate which inhaler is used so that both are not taken the same time of day
  • use the albuterol inhaler 5 min before using the beclomethasone inhaler
  • only use beclomethasone if experiencing an acute attack
  • use the beclomethasone inhaler first and immediately follow with the albuterol inhaler
use the albuterol inhaler 5 min before using the beclomethasone inhaler

albuterol is used in the treatment of asthma to

  • decrease inflammation
  • promote bronchodilation
  • decrease airway mucus production
  • suppress the effects of leukotriene compounds
promote bronchodilation

a client is prescribed oral prednisone for treatment of chornic asthma. the nurse should instruct the client to watch for which of the following

  • weight gain and fluid retention
  • nervousness and insomnia
  • chest pain and tachycardia
  • drowsiness and activity intolerance
weight gain and fluid retention

take this short acting beta2 agonist to abort an acute asthma attack

  • theophylline
  • albuterol
  • salmeterol
  • montelukast

take this medication once daily at bedtime

  • theophylline
  • albuterol
  • salmeterol
  • montelukast

avoid caffeine when using this oral methylxanthine medication

  • theophylline
  • albuterol
  • salmeterol
  • montelukast

take this inhaled beta2 agonist every 12 hr

  • theophylline
  • albuterol
  • salmeterol
  • montelukast

a nurse is caring for a client who states she has been taking phenylephrine nasal drops for the past 10 days for her upper respiratory symptoms. for which of the following adverse effects shoud the nurse assess

  • sedation
  • nasal congestion
  • productive cough
  • constipation
nasal congestion

a nurse is teaching a client to self-administer nasal drops for allergic rhinitis symptoms. the nurse should teach the client to lie in which of the following positions to obtain the best effect of the medication

  • supine with head flexed
  • sitting with head in neutral position
  • lateral with head in low position
  • prone with head extended
lateral with head in low position

a preschool child recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis has a new prescription for acetylcysteine. the nurse teaches the client and her family that the purpose of this medication is to do which of the following

  • suppress cough
  • decrease pain
  • minimize nasal congestion
  • loosen secretions
loosen secretions

an adult client is taking diphenhydramine for symptoms of allergic rhinitis. for which of the following adverse reactions should the nurse teach the client to watch. select all that apply

  • dry mouth
  • nonproductive cough
  • skin rash
  • diarrhea
  • urinary hesitation
  • dry mouth
  • urinary hesitation

oral terbutaline is prescribed for a client with bronchitis. which comorbidity should prompt a nurse to monitor the client closely following administration of this medication

  • strabismus
  • hypertension
  • diabetes insipidus
  • hypothyroidism

a client is admitted to an ED with tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypotension. the client has been taking theophylline for treatment of asthma and erythromycin for an upper respriatory tract infection. which conclusion by the nurse and action taken is correct

  • the client is experiencing an asthma attack and the nurse requests an order for albuterol
  • the client is experiencing septicemia and the nurse request an order for blood cultures
  • the client is experiencing theophylline toxicity and the nurse requests an order for a serum theophylline level
  • the client is experiencing an allergic reation to erythromycin and the nurse requests an order for diphenhydramine
the client is experiencing theophylline toxicity and the nurse requests an order for a serum theophylline level

a hospitalized client is being treated for TB. when administering medications which medication on the client's MAR should a nurse conclude is used for the treatment of TB

  • isoniazid
  • fluconazole
  • azithromycin
  • acyclovir
When monitoring for the most common side effect of traditional antihistamines, the nurse will assess the patient’s
Loratadine (Claritin) has an advantage over traditional antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) in that loratadine has
A patient complains of worsening nasal congestion despite the use of oxymetazoline (Afrin) nasal spray for several days. The nurse’s response is based on knowledge that
sustained use of nasal decongestants over several days may result in rebound congestion.
Which statement by the patient demonstrates understanding of beclomethasone diproprionate (Beconase)?
Which is a common side effect of antitussive medications?
Drowsiness and dizziness
Patient teaching regarding expectorants should instruct the patient to perform which action?
Increase fluid intake in order to decrease viscosity of secretions.
The nurse would question an order for pseudoephedrine in a patient with a history of which condition?
When providing general education on use of over-the-counter medications for allergies, which is the highest priority for the nurse to include?
Do not use in patients less than 6 years of age, unless prescribed.
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