Musicianship 1 Flashcards

Flashcards for Dr. Root's Musicianship 1L Class
Youngstown State University


Mus1_04: Neighbor Fragments - 5-note fragments with neighbors to the tonic triad members. Provide solfege and pitches in the key indicated.
Mus1_05:2-part dictation exercises - Provide soprano, bass, and name of cadence.
Mus1_06: Chord Progressions - Listen to the progression and provide bass notes and chord symbols with inversions, and name the cadence. The progressions use I, IV, V in all inversions. vi is used in deceptive cadence only.
Mus1_07: Chord Progressions, set 2 - Listen to the progression and provide bass notes and chord symbols with inversions, and name the cadence. The progressions use I, IV, V in all inversions. vi is used in deceptive cadence only.
Scale-Degree intervals 03 Mixed keys - All intervals are in different keys! Supply the solfege and interval name for the pitches you hear. All intervals begin on DO.
Solfege - A Maj. Treble - Treble A Maj.(also Ab)
Solfege - Bb Maj. Treble - Treble Bb Maj. (also B)
Solfege - C Maj. Treble - Treble C Maj. (also Cb, C#)
Solfege - D Maj. Treble - Treble D Maj. (also Db)
Solfege - Eb Maj. Treb. - Treble Eb Maj. (also E)
Solfege - F Maj. Treble - Treble F Maj. (also F#)
Solfege - G Maj. Treble - Treble G Maj. (also Gb)

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