

SUFFIX - azo - Physical or figurative enlargement or broadening of the sense of a base noun.
SUFFIX - cion - Denotes action, result of action, or state. Like English -tion, almost all -ar verbs.
SUFFIX - dor/-dora - A person who performs a task related to the base verb. Often implies physical power, strength, even brutishness
SUFFIX - ero - denotes a container or holder for the base noun, feminine form more common
SUFFIX - eta - diminutive, either physical or figurative
SUFFIX - eza - A state relating to the base adjective, abstract concept
SUFFIX - ico/-ica - relating to, like, like English -ic, -ical
SUFFIX - idad - state, quality of the base adjective, equivalent to English ending -ity
SUFFIX - in - Diminutive noun, smallness in size or status, can be useless or undesirable product of base noun
SUFFIX - ina - Diminutive; female counterpart, noun, includes personal names
SUFFIX -a, -ar verbs only - resulting object/state/action
SUFFIX -able, -ar verbs only - able to be (acted upon)
SUFFIX -ada, noun - indicates -ful, -load
SUFFIX -ado, -ada, noun - person who performs action, result of an action. Becomes -ada if female performs action
SUFFIX -al, adjective - denotes characteristic of a base noun. Many English cognates.
SUFFIX -ancia, noun, feminine - action, state or result of an action of the -ar verb or a Latin verb
SUFFIX -ante, noun, masculine/feminine - Denotes a person performing a particular action or jobs, from -ar verbs. Ending does not change for gender
SUFFIX -ario, noun, always masculine - denotes a book or collection of items with a particular function, also religious words
SUFFIX -astro, astra, noun, masc/fem - denotes step-relations in a family, or to diminish the status of the base word
SUFFIX -ente/-enta - The person who performs a task related to the base verb. Derived from -er and -ir verbs
SUFFIX -era - Noun denoting container or vessel. Suffix is feminine but base noun may be masculine or feminine
SUFFIX -eria - denotes a specific type of shop/store, base noun usually main article that is sold
SUFFIX -ero/-era - worker, professional, with base noun signifying what they work with or where they work
SUFFIX -ete - diminutive, both physical or figurative or related to status
SUFFIX -ible - adjectives meaning able to be acted on. These mostly all -er and -ir verbs
SUFFIX -ificar - to make (ike), a verb equivalent to English ending -ify; based on nouns and adjectives
SUFFIX -illa - diminutive, less size, status, function. A feminine noun suffix.
SUFFIX -illa - Diminutive, noun, diminished size or status or function, can be figurative
SUFFIX -illo - Diminutive noun, smallness, either physical or figurative
SUFFIX -illo - diminutive, physical or figurative. Masculine noun ending
SUFFIX -ín - Diminutive, physical size or status, often undesirable. Masculine ending for m and f nouns
SUFFIX -ina - Diminutive, physical or figurative, or female counterpart of base noun, including names, m or f base noun
SUFFIX -ino - Diminutive, place where. Smallness or place where action of base verb takes place, m and f base
SUFFIX -isimo, -isima
SUFFIX extra vocabulary - other words in text besides examples
SUFFIX: -ismo
SUFFIX: -ista
SUFFIX: -ita
SUFFIX: -ito
SUFFIX: -ivo, -iva
SUFFIX: -ívoro, -ívora
SUFFIX: -lento, -lenta

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