Cat Anatomy Flash Cards

This set of flash cards reviews the muscles  of first and second checks shown to you on a dead cat - pictures courtesy of Nancy Richey. The flash cards are organized by each check. They are further organized under the headings in the manual. These use the same pictures and the corresponding numbers that are in the lab manual. Made just for you by Adam Hamilton.


Anatomy Check 1: Muscles of Mastication and the Neck - N/A
Anatomy Check 1: Muscles of the Abdomen - N/A
Anatomy Check 1: Superficial and Deep muscles of the chest - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Deep Muscles of the Back and Shoulder - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Muscles of the Lateral Arm and Forearm - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Muscles of the Lateral Leg - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Muscles of the Medial Arm and Forearm - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Muscles of the Medial Thigh - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Muscles of the Thigh - N/A
Anatomy Check 2: Superficial Muscles of Back and Shoulder - Superficial muscles of the back and lateral shoulder

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