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Test 2
Undergraduate 4

Additional History Flashcards




B.N.A. Act
Became Law 1 July 1867
This was the same year America bought Alaska.
Rupert's Land Act
This was the land from the Hudson Bay Company. It's Headquarters were at Ft. Gary (winnepeg, Manitoba). This was also the seat of the Roman Catholic Bishop in the area. It was also called the Red River Colony.
These were half breeds Their mothers were Indian and there fathers were Scotch-Irish who spoke french.
Red River Insurrection
1869. The people who were living in the area (Metis) thought this was the end to their way of life. Louis Reil led a revolt.
Manitoba Act
1. May of 1870
2. Made English and French Equal
3. Provided schools for Roman Catholics and the Protestants
4. The Roman Catholics said they would run their schools
5. The Protestant Chruch led the public schools and would teach that in their classes.
6. There was a stipulation that is a certain number of children who did not speak English a teacher would be provided.
III. Alchohol is brought across the border by Americans to sell to the Indians
A) in 1873, the Canadians felt a municipal police department could not stop the transnational trade.
B) They created the North-West Mounted Police
C) It was to be created of 300 educated and proper men.
D)they went on duty in 1874
E) By December of 1874, the smuggiling had virtually ended.
F) In 1904 it became the Royal North West Mounted Police
G) In 1920, it became known as the RCMP.
H) The dominion police became apart of this.
Treaty of Washington
II. The Americans and the British met and wanted to see if they could solve the problems regarding BNA
1. The Alabama Claims
a) The US wanted to originally annex Canada for payment for them building these ships
2. St. Lawerence Border
3. The San Juan Straights (Vancouver Island)
a) Where was the Border Line.
4. Americans wanted fishing rights in the Maritime Islands
5. The Canadians wanted compensation for the Finnian Raids
III. John A McDonald
1. A Canadian
2. He was the first colonial person to go to a confrence, before this the British negotiated for the colony.
IV. Results
A) Canadian was given Bonding privlidges
1. This meant that during cold weather you could not ship things on the St.lawrence because it was frozen.
2. They would wait in Boston, Portland maine till it was time to send them elsewhere
3. The good could not be sold in the US
4. The US got free navigation of the St. Lawrence River
B) The Americans got finishing rights off the Grand Banks for 10 years
1. Canada got the right to ship fish into the United States duty free
C) The boundry dispute and the Alabama Dispute were not resolved
1. They agreed to send them to the German emperor for resolve
D) The Canadians did not feel they got anything good out of the treaty
E) Given the fact that the British wated to make friends with the US more times than not in disputes between Canada and America they would side with Amirca
F) The British in an effort to assuage them compensated them for the Finian Raids
Sir Hugh Allan
Owner of the inter-oceanic railway company. b. The Pacific Scandel
i. After the election it was disclosed the Sir JOhn McDonald's party had accepted campaign funds from Allan's company with the idea that if Mcdonald won that Allan's company would get the contract.
c. When the parliment met after the election met, Sir JOhn McDonald had to resign
i, The head of the liberal party (Alexander Mckenzie) became prime minister.
Interocieanic Railroad Co.
This was the Canadian Transcontinental railway. It was a major reason why British Columbia joined Canada.
Lord Dufferin
B) Lord Duffrin
i. Went to British Columbia to asuage the anger. He informed them that the railroad would be build and the depression was not deliberate.
Northwest Rebellion 1884
Louis Rialle

D) North-West Rebllion 1884
i. When he got there he started a rebellion and seperated from Canada
ii. He will organzie the Matice into armed gaurds
a. They ambush an RCMP unit.
iii. Ottawa was able to deal with this quick because a military force could be sent by train.
iv. It cost 200 lives.
v. This will be the last important resistance to the Canadians in the wst,
vi. MacDonald knows if he kills him, he will be a martyr for thos in Quebec
viii. After all the pressure on MacDonald, MacDonald had him executed by hanging
ix. He is still a contraversial figure in Canadian history
x. He cannot be known as a Canadian hero.
Quebec Jesuit Estates Act
III. Quebec Jesuit Act
A) Before the Roman Catholic Church removed the Jesuits they had property in Quebec
B) When the Catholic Church reinstituted the Jesuits they wanted compensation for their property.
C) The province of Quebec passed leislation that gave 400,000 dollars to the Jesuits in Quebec and to the Roman Catholic Church. They also gave 60,000 dollars to the protestant schools in Quebec.
D) There was an outcry from Protestants in Ontario. They called on the Prime Minister to disallow the Jesuit Act. McDonald refused.
E) Dalton McCarthy
1. An Orangeman from ONtario
2. Led a fight against the bill
3. The courts upheld the province's and the prime minister's decision
Manitoba School Question
The Manitoba School Situation
A) Dalton McCarthy led this
B) The mainfight was that the people in the Province of Manitoba did not want to give money to pay for Roman Catholic School.
5. Manitoba school system
1. He felt that schools should be left to the provinces.
2. He said there could be parochial schools; however, he did not want these schools to recieve funding.
3. He said that the government would not spend this tax money, it was only up to Manitoba.
4. The religion taught in school was protestant and not Catholic
5. Manitoba ruled that religion must be taught either the first period of the day or last. If you do not want to let your child to learn than they either come late or leave early.
VI. Mantiboba eliminated French as an official language in 1890.
Clifford Sifton
Was put in charge by Lauriea to get more immigrants from Europe and the US to move to Canada.
b. He would pay partial or all of their fair to come to America
c. He paid for their fair to the other end of the content
d. He had newspapers come to Canada
e. Made the slogan "the last best west"
f. In the 15 years the liberals in were in power 2 million people immigrated to Canada, some went to the US
Boer War
A) Boers were combination of European protestants
B) The British wanted them to speak english, follow common law
C) Britian told the Dutch they were not treating the indiginous people, the way they were supposed to in the land they fled to. They left again instead of fighting the British.
D) Many Canadians asked what they should care or do about the war in South Africa?
1. MOst English Canadians said yes, the French said no; however, some english disagreed.
2. Canada contributed 8,000 men.
3. Canada had to wonder what their place in the Empire was
4. White dominions
a) Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, South Africa
Henri Bourassa
A) From Quebec and a good friend of Luriel
B) Resigned from Parliment and formed the Nationalist Leauge
1. The leauge had one purpose the defense preservation of French rights in Canada. 2. Canadian called it the "Tin pot Navy"
F.D. Monk
A) Resigned from the cabinet because he was French Canadians
B) The navy bill passed through the commons rough
C)The Senate said no and would not pass it.
Naval Bill
I) The Naval Bill
1. Canada could contribte 35 million dollars to build 3 battleships for the royal navy
2. They informed the french that only Canadians would man these ships
Wartime Elections Act.
Wartime Elections Act: For those who have persons serving overseas, there next of kin could vote for their individual
Military Voters Act
Military Voters Act: For those troops stationed other places in Canada than their riding (precint) they could vote where they were stationed.
III. They conservatives did this because they believed those people and their families would vote conservative and they did.
Imperial War Cabinet
1616: Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodisia held a confrence.
B) They will then be allowed to be apart of the IMperial War Cabinet.
1. They believed they wouldn't have gotten a voice unless they fought for it.
The Byng-King Crises
A) Prime minister King was in but he had to depend on minor parties to gain his position in the government,
B) This type of government is not stable, if you do something the party does not like they can withdrawl. If they do the government falls.
C) In 1926, there was a scandal in the Customs department between the US and Canada regarding prohibition.
D) If King was to resign the leader of the next bigger would be asked to form a government.
1. If he can not the there will be a call for elections
E) On June 26, 1926 there had still not been a vote.
1. He said this was not a problem of London because they were Canadian
G) Meighen tried to form a government and was unable to.
1. He asked the governor general for a dissolution of government and a calling of an election.
H) MacKenzie-King and the Liberals were voted back in.
1. The people said that the govenor general overstepped his bounds by not honoring the request from king to the Govenor General. In doing so MacKenzie-King said that they were making Canada nothing more than a colony.
I) Most constitutional historians in Canada today say the Govenor General did the right thing.
J) As a result of this crises, that once the govenor general has heard the recommendation of the Prime Minister, the govenor General is bound to do it.
1. This was a part of Turkey in Europe.
2. After the First World War, it was a garunteed Zone,
3. In 1922, it was invaded.
a. There was some British troops in Chanak.
b. The British Government asked the Canadians if they would be willing to help the British out of the neutral zone.
i. When King talked about it on the floor of the commons he was asked what importance of Chanak to Canada.
ii. They were mad that Britian had not consulted Canada
c. Turkey eventually withdrew its troops and there was no need for Canadian Policy.
"King or Chaos"
1935 Election
A) Mackenzie said the people had two choices "King or Chaos" in the nect election.
B) The liberals won the election
C) 1935 had been a good year because it was the 25 year anniversary of King George V.
1. The biggest celebrations were held in May
Balfour Report
Balfour Report
1. No Country is in ay subordinate to any other countries
2. The "white commonwealth"
3. The commonwealths would become equal to Britain
4. It stated the modern definition of the Commonwealth
Statute of Westminster
1. Statute of Westminster 1931
a. It repealled the colonial laws validity act.
i. It said the British Parliment could abolish any law passed by a dominion parliment.
b. This meant Britain had no say in Canadian Government
c. It has to be passed by Dominion legislatures
i. The Canadian government requested the British Parliment said that any ammendments to the BNA must come from the British Legislature.
ii. They also requested that those laws that Canada wants can be appealed to the privy council.
A. Such as divorce.
Maurice Dupkessis
1. Premier of Canada
2. Increase his parties power in Quebec
3. Also wanted to increase the power of the province of the Federal government
4. He called a snap election in Canada
5. He said that the English government was using the war to strengthen its power.
a. The provinces did not have more powers
b. He wanted to tell the Federal Government that Quebec was not in the war on the side of the English.
Ernest Lapointe
1. Chief lieutenant for MacKenzie King
2. He realized that was Maurice was about to do could do unrepairable damage to Canage
3. Lapont and 3 ministers entered the election in Quebec. They told the people that if Maurice wins, it will destroy Canada.
4. Maurice was defeated.
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